Question about alcohol/Question about weird leg twitching

I'm wondering how long you waited after surgery to drink again. And when you did, how was it?

I'm really craving some champagne today. I had my craniotomy on Feb 24 this year, I'm still a little on the fence about trying alcohol though. No post surgery seizures

Also, I've noticed a few times if I hold my left leg bent and propped on my toes my leg starts twitching and jumping. It took me about two minutes to focus and make it stop (although if I lower my leg down, it stops). I wanted to see if I could make it stop by myself. It was work! Wondering if anyone has experienced this or similar?

Hi Jennifer, I had my surgery on 17th February though it was a coiling procedure and have had the odd glass of wine, it was my birthday Tuesday I feel truly blessed to have been able to celebrate my 56th birthday this year and pray I will have many more. and it just wouldn’t have seemed right to celebrate without a glass of wine, I think as in all things moderation is the key (though you may want to check this with your surgeon), cannot help with the leg twitching I’m afraid, but I’m sure someone else will be able to answer your questions on this one. I pray you will continue to make a good recovery.

Hi ... I think moderation is the key...have a glass ... see how it goes...even two ... however, if you have any doubts or are nervous...ask your Doctor?

Don't know about the twitching...


Jennifer...your leg twitching...first, did you have any of that before your aneurysm rupture / treatment?

The peripheral nerves (PNS) connect to the cerebral nerves (CNS) somehow / somewhere in the brain stem/ spinal canal area where the brain/spine connect...somehow relate to the posterior arteries...when I first lie down in bed, I get the piriformis muscles pulsating and down into the thigh...ever since I was treated...never before...Shingle's hit thru the lumbar spine thru the sciatic nerve and the piriformis area (the buttocks) ...

I get horrendous cramps in my Left calf/foot (not right) for which I take potassium/magnesium daily; when I get cramps, I take additinal potassium for several days... then back off it to the one a day...

As for alcohol...I never crave enjoy red wine...remember that centuries ago, fruits/berries were saved off-season in this manner...for its benefits...before canning, freezing, having fresh produce flown in... If I stopped having a glass of wine...may I live a few weeks or months longer or less? I take no meds so have no contraindicators...and, wine never gets recalled by the FDA... hee hee ...
