Permanent drain/shunt

I was just told that my mom will need to have permanent drain put in…is this common? Is this a procedure that I should be worried about? Because of the damage from her bleed, her brain is not absorbing spinal fluid the way it should…ultimately affecting her recovery…
For those of you that have had this procedure, what type of results did you see afterwards? Thanks!!


To research, the term is: hydrocephalus ...which relates to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)...the clear stuff..

or go to

There are numerous websites on this...there is also an association.

Anatomically, there are four ventricles which hold/direct CSF in our systems...

The lateral ventricle has 2: left and right; and the 4th ventricle and 3rd ventricle are not paired.

The 3rd ventricle is the lowest on our brain stem area... to the4th and somehow connection to the lateral

When you want to search: hydrocephalus anatomy or naming the 'ventricle anatomy' ..

They are in the brain stem, another to search....when anatomy is added, a list of images will come up to browse thru.

Your research will help you in the questions to ask your mother's doctors.

We have members here who have had shunts implanted (to manage the CSF flow) ...

The NINDS website noted above, lists the several different types of hydrocephalus.

I am one of the few who have the "ex vacuo"...which does maintain normal flow; thus I have not had to have a shunt..

Wishing you the best...after you have reviewed some sites, you may want to add some more specific questions, especially to attract the members who do have shunts.

Nicole, have you done a search on this site for shunts? They redirect the fluid to another part of the body. On my device, and I’m guessing it’s the same, search is up at the top right. You’ll see your name then the place to sign out and next to that is the search box. I know there was a pretty good discussion or two a month or two back (I think). Seems to be a common procedure here. Hope members hop on your discussion and share their experiences.

Oh, where was my brain… you might want to go to the Shunt Group here on this site. Here’s the link

moltroub...thanks for sharing (I think)...a/w/a the Group...I forgot to check that or suggest that to Nicole..

I have said so many times how my memory blanks...for some time, I have said when I plan tomorrow it takes me two month to get there....with no guaranteed memory of why I am there...

I have so often suggested to new members to check the Groups...and, I failed..,.

Oh, where was my brain... you might want to go to the Shunt Group here on this site. Here's the link

I have hydrocephalus which was discovered about 6 months after my sah, but so far Ive managed to avoid a shunt, probably because I had an evd in when I was in hospital which stopped things from building up at that time so it wasnt discovered until later. a lot of people dont have the option though and it needs to be done if it is affecting things like cognitive ability. unfortunately sah often damages the area, and this is where csf gets reabsorbed as you have been told, so the result is a build up in csf and pressure in the brain so a shunt is the only way they have to resolve it. They do have their problems though which is why my neurosurgeon felt I should try to live without one. usually with a shunt the csf is redirected to the abdomen but things like infections and malfunctions can happen so you would need to become aware of what to look out for. It's definitely not uncommon after sah