Overcome by emotions

Hi all. I had my clipping just over three weeks ago. My recovery is very tiring, but I am taking it day by day. In just the last few days I have been overcome by emotion. I have burst into tears several times, for no reason. Today is my birthday. My kids want us all to go to dinner tonight. I was thinking about going out, and I started to get really anxious.

Is this normal?


Yes, Yes, and Yes it is normal to feel totally overwhelmed, overstimulated, overcome by emotion. My clipping was March 20th and I am disappointed to say that I cry multiple times some days and not any other days. My surgeon says its not uncommon to have some degree of post traumatic stress disorder after such an intense operation.

Your surgeon mucked around IN your brain. It's going to take time to get better. It's going to take time to find a new normal.

Take it one day (HOUR) at a time and try to be patient with yourself. Easier said than done- I KNOW!

Big big hugs.

If you don't want to go out to dinner to celebrate how about ordering something special in.



Before the aneurysms I was the type to always be in the middle of things going on. Now if too many people are around or there is too much going on I try to just stay calm & find a quiet place. I agree with Cordie if you don’t want to go out maybe everyone could get together and either bring something or order in. Important thing is you are here to celebrate your birthday.

Oh My Terri...This is so normal...in fact, it is an emotional roller coaster in the beginning of healing...something about the brain being touched...please read some of our stories and you will see so many of us had tears, anxiety, overwhelmed, etc.,

Don't be hard on You...it takes time and rest...~ Gosh it took me a long time until I felt comfortable out and about... Don't push it...Colleen

hi terri! yes it is normal, i always say im in a magnafyer-exagerrating everything- light sound, emotions, paranoia etc etc. i was in a coma 6 days from the sah and the occ therapist warned me of this, oh happy birthday-cherish the time with your family-i'm no expert but i think 3 weeks is early in the recoverery process but good for you to question and write-keep up the good work!! i believe things will get better, Bless you and yours~

Hi Terri

I had my clipping for my rupture on 12-6-12. Emotions??? I think many time during the day I could just burst out crying! It is almost 6 months out for me. I still am not that into going out that much. You may find the noise and the amount of people may be too much. And I am still very much tired and I am in bed early everynight.
Start a little at a time


Thank you all. My day turned out pretty well. My dad picked up my kids from school and they came home with a huge bouquet of flowers. I rested this afternoon and decided to give dinner a try. Once we left the house I was not anxious at all. I just need to keep reminding myself to take it day by day.

Hi Terri-yes- I have had a craniotomy and 2 coilings-have experienced anxiety, depression, anger rages-I have seen a counselor-put on antidepressant and mood stablizer-has helped a lot! Prayers are w/you-I know how frustrating this is:) marcia

Hello Terri, it's still early days for you. I know what you're going through. I had 2 clippings, the 1st time, it took

me 4 months to feel normal again. With the recent clipping that i had, i was a wreck at 1st but as time went on ,

i'm feeling heaps better. With the recent clipping, i knew what to expect and knew that the emotions, anxiety, ect

has only to do with the surgery, believe me it will pass. Just rest alot, you will heal quicker. It's good you could

manage going out for your birthday, but only do those things if you are ready.

Take care

Nikki x x

Happy (belated) Birthday Terri !

You've been thru a lot, you need to allow yourself to cry, get angry, the whole works! This isn't at all unusual as so many others have posted...I know that after my last clipping, I went OFF so badly at an Electric Company employee that I often wonder if he quit his job after my torrent of rage I hit him with -- (then when he left I burst into tears)!! Yeah, its part of the process I think , but normalcy will return !

Peace, Janet

Terri...belated Happy Birthday...

And, prayers for your continued good recovery...

I was reading your comments to another...on your decision for open surgery...and, was so pleased with your decision...and, your sharing on the age status... There is so much that new members need to learn for their questions in their decision process...

Adding one...was the appropriate size, and/or shape, of an aneurysm addressed for the recommended procedure?

Was the tortuosity of the parent artery, or the access artery to the parent artery, addressed?

Prayers for your continued grand recovery...


Hi Terri, I would say that it has to be part of recovery because I was doing the same thing also. I am a survivor of a coil after bleed but still the first few months were hell for me. I would cry on a dime myself. I was very anxious and I never was before. It got better for me when I started getting my normal daily life skills back and doing more of my normal life as I knew it. I hope it gets better for you. Hang in there and by the way... did you go to dinner that night? I hope so! :)

Let me know


Pat, I was fortunate that I was able to spend so much time researching aneurysms and treatment. I felt that I was pretty well informed, but I am sure there is so much more to know.

My aneurysm was/is on the anterior communicator artery. Only one of the doctors I met with thought that bypass might be necessary as I am missing an artery in my brain. I just happened to be born that way. Because of the possibility of the bypass, my doctor did an ear to ear cut. He then cut a piece of my skull at the forehead so that he could see the aneurysm head on. My aneurysm was 5.9 mm and shaped like Mickey Mouse ears with a very wide neck. I actually required 3 clips.

This site was a pretty big help in helping me formulate questions for the doctors. Research is knowledge. At first I kind of felt bad about getting a second, third and fourth opinion. Then I remembered, this is my brain and my life. Advocate for yourself and NEVER be ashamed to question the experts.


Thank you...for this info...I learned a lot about ACoAs...tho my annie was elsewhere...

The shape of yours would be a big draw for open surgery....even tho yours was of the small size... When post-treatment, second and third opinions tend to be equivocal...

There are numerous great members...and, wonderful leaders/greeters to welcome new members... Prayers for your continued recovery...hope you keep us updated...
