My mom - moving to trach

Good Morning @Meggie! FAS is Foreign Accent Syndrome. According to my beloved Speech Therapists it is very rare. In fact the Speech Therapist at Wake Forest Speech said that with the accumulative years of all the Speech Therapists there, never had they come across someone with it until me. My initial ST said in her 30+ years she hadn’t come across anyone and urged me to go to Wake Voice to get the proper diagnosis. When I moved to the South, I didn’t have an accent or so I believed. With age and traveling to different areas of the country, I have learned each state has its on vernacular and syntax. It took me years to develop the correct speech style for the South. I liked to say that I used to speak correctly and then I learned to talk right. LOL

I don’t have a FB page. I did when I was an On Call Child Protective Services worker for work reasons, but never for personal use. My avatar is one of our rescues, Ohana. We thought she had Pit Bull in her and only our Vet disagreed, everyone else thought so as well. For our big Christmas present, we gifted each other with an Embark DNA/health test. Our Vet was correct, Ohana is 50% Boxer on the maternal side. Your avatar shows up as an “M”. To change yours to something more personal. You will need to go to your profile by clicking on the “M” that shows up on the top right side of the page. Click on the human form. Click on Preferences. You will see the “M” with a pencil under Profile Picture. Click on the pencil. From there you can customize your avatar! Don’t forget to use the New User Help page New User Guide. The only difference is the help guide says to click on the butterfly logo, but on this group you click on the orange “aneurysm” logo that the BAF developed. I really encourage you to start a new topic.

You won’t lose me or the group by trying PM. I did take a rather long sabbatical when my parents health declined and I was charged as their caretaker, I became overwhelmed to say the least. My Neurosurgeon even grounded me from them for three weeks. Their cardiac NP told them sternly that they were having me do things they could still do! They’ve both passed at the age of 84, so that stressor is gone. One of our members had reached out to our wonderful Mod Support asking where I was. Seenie shot me an email and back on I have been for 4-5 years now. To have been in the helping field for years, it is truly a gift to be able to help others here as a Moderator and member! I get on every morning EST. If you’d like to use the chat feature, just tell me a time and day and I will try to arrange my schedule. For me, anything after 3:00 pm my time or Noon your time is good. We call it a day around 9:00-10:00 pm EST, so a short window for chatting. I can help you start a new topic which I really think you should. Having a newly discovered aneurysm can be fraught with anxiety and many members can give you support.

All the best