My 1 Year Anniversary

It is hard to believe but, one year ago today, my life started to change. My 1st rupture occurred and I was sent by ambulance to the closest town with a CT machine (a 5 hour round trip drive). My 2nd rupture was on the 15th and my surgery was the 17th. It has been one helluva year! This weekend, we celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada. I barely remember Thanksgiving last year but, we are celebrating this year!!!

good for you happy happy thankgiving.god bless linda

congrats and glad to see your still here with us,A SURVIVOR!! life is good and God is great…keep livin, lovin and laughin,my annyversay is october the 13th…will also be 1 yr…still kickin like a chicken…lovin my life!

Congrats. Enjoy your anniversary. God bless you.

Congrats to you on your one year anniversary!!! Keep in touch and live strong! Hugs and prayers from Indy…Sherri