MRI Terror

I took one look at the catcher’s-mask thing they stick your head in to do a brain MRI, and I had such an anxiety attack I had to leave. I can not imagine how I can do an MRI. I can not take Klonopin or any other of the benzos they give to reduce anxiety in the MRI machine. Anyone have experience with this? There must be something they can do besides an MRI for people who have metal in their bodies. I don’t have metal in my body, but are there alternatives?

hi yes there are open machines, no tunnel thing, check big city places

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Ron’s correct, ask for an open machine. I don’t have problems with them, deep breathing and pretend I’m conducting an orchestra with all the sounds they make. I fell asleep a few times in them. But Cindy had a major panic attack just sitting on the bench thing. We are a small town, small county, less than 70,000 in the county. There are a couple places with an open MRI machine. I don’t recall a catchers mitt device, I lay on the table and it rolls me into the tube. Walls are close, but I close my eyes.

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I was SO extremely claustrophobic when I had to have that helmet-thing on AND go in the MRI/MRA machine. Barely made it through! For the NEXT one, I asked for valium (ahead of time) and that helped immensely!

I’d rather not use Valium since I’ve had an addiction problem but I don’t think I can get that thing on my face any other way, and even so I’m not sure if I can do it. Was the Valium pills or intravenous? My problem with the open MRI machines is that you still have that horrible helmet locked on your face and it takes almost twice as long as a closed MRI (or so I’ve been told). I think the closed MRI is about 20 minutes?

Yes regular MRI is about 20 min . If doctors saying you need MRI besides CT that was done , I would follow them , they need it too see your aneurysm in different ways and prospectives . Then they will have better resolution …
Remember , you can always stop the test if you feel panic and really cannot stand it . It’s not like you will be put in some tube where you have no escape … you are staying in control. The MRI is very noisy , this what brought me more discomfort then being in a helmet , I have been distructing my mind all the time during the test with different thoughts .

I have the same problem, a very kind technician gave me an eye mask like you wear for sleeping and ear plugs and it was wonderful. I put them on while in a sitting position on the table then laid down and never knew when the rest of the stuff was done.

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I’m sorry you have to put up with such fear and discomfort with your MRI.
I’ve had a couple in Sydney Australia, at the Royal North Shore hospital but they don’t use any kind of mask. Certainly, it can be claustrophobic, but for me the noise is the worst part of the procedure, even with ear plugs and ear muffs it’s still horrible. Still, at least I’m still vertical and this side of the grass.

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I just had one the day after I had coiling done on my aneurysm last week. Your main focus should be on getting the test done, not on the machine. I hardly looked at the contraption and as soon as I laid down I shut my eyes and said prayers over and over until it was done. There may be an anxiety med they can give you. But change your focus and DO NOT OPEN your eyes until its over. I hate confined spaces but remember you want to get the best results because of the MRI. Good luck.

I never thought of an eye mask - they should all give them. Great idea!

Why didn’t they offer you a CTA (Cat Scan with Dye)? I had 4 that they found by doing a CTA an I have had many in the past 6 years in check ups. They are quicker and simpler than an MRI!

When I was in the emergency room I was given a CT with and without dye, which is how they found the aneurysm. If the scan with dye tells you everything you need to know, why does anyone need an MRI? What is difference in the type of pics–besides that one is magnetic and the other is xray?

Hi, I hate MRIs! they have made me claustrophobic and the mask is the worst thing ever!! I have my physician give me Valium and that does help. You have to take it an hour before procedure and need a driver :slight_smile: but it does the job…

I’m also claustrophobic and will not get into an MRI machine without help. So, whenever I’m scheduled for an MRI, my PCP gives me a prescription for two Alprazolam. Gets me through it and I’m fine! I hate that Hannibal Lecter cage they put over your face too!

This might help explain the reasons for different types of imagery.