Mother of two and feeling helpless

I have just been diagnosed with an Aneurysm on May 19th (not sure of the size yet), after a CTA due to worst headache that I have ever had. I am a34 year old mother of a 15 year old and 10 year old. I have an appointment with a neurosurgeon June 2nd to determine the size location and shape and what to do next. I feel so scared and lost on everything. I don’t know how to deal with this. I am the mother that you see at everything, does carpool, help the teacher, and I work full time. So the thought that I can’t do that because something might happen or surgery will have me down for months has me so upset and feeling helpless. I am trying to do as much research as possible. How do you make it through each day?

LALA F, you breathe. Focus on the positive. The field of Neurosurgery is doing wonders every time I turn around. It’s quite amazing when I think of what they know about the brain now as opposed to even ten years ago

Thank you for the encouragement.

It is important to take one day at a time, and try to breathe through the anxiety , and be so very glad they found it now. My aneurysm was discovered accidentally, no symptoms or issues- but found with an MRI for hearing loss. Before the diagnosis I didn't know what an aneurysm was! Life changed in a matter of days. I had a craniotomy and a clip 6 months ago and doing fairly well. Building my stamina over time, and I am learning to accept the fact that life is different. The alternative just wasn't acceptable. Of course the waiting was hard, not knowing what to expect. But this website and the wonderful support from those who are going through this has been priceless. There is an old African proverb, "if you want to go fast,go alone. If you want to go farther go with someone ". Being on this journey with all the support from this website has been invaluable. Take care of yourself and try to get good rest, we will all be thinking of you.

Try not to focus on it. You would not have been sent home to worry if there was immediate danger. It seems that you have been given no information, which to my mind is somewhat worse than knowing, because your imagination runs wild with every possibility, especially when you research. May I caution you? I love the Internet, I love to research, but in regards to aneurysms there are many variables, so you need to have your specific information to successfully research.

I was told in March 2015 immediately after my CT scan that I had an 8mm aneurysm on the Anterior Communicating Artery. For me this was beyond my comprehension and my ability to deal with it, because I was in agonizing pain from undiagnosed Reflex Sympathy Dystrophy. I delayed surgery until February of this year. In the time between the finding and surgery I took supplements that were supposed to suport vein and artery health and hoped for the best. At the time of surgery my aneurysm was 7.3. Taking the supplements made me feel that I was doing something proactively and who knows maybe they helped shrink the aneurysm a bit.

Please check in and update us.

Thank you JT and Campanile your words of really help me to breathe and take it a day at a time. I have a little less than a week before I find out what the next sets will be. Here you guys stories lets me know I will be ok. I will have all in my prayers.


Yes, do they deep you know the Yoga? beginning with the gut, then the base of lungs, and the upper lung?

I am glad your appointment is coming up soon...

Take your list of questions...and, have an advocate w/you...spouse/partner/other family or friend?

Prayers for each step...

I use to do yoga. I need to start again. I have my questions ready. I am so glad I found this site. Thank you.

I am 57 and also newly diagnosed with 4mm unruptured, due to CTA for thunderbolt headache. I was very afraid, panicky etc., at first feeling like I had a ticking time bomb in my head! However after seeing a very good surgeon expert in this field, who gave me very sound advice. He insisted that I am not in any immediate danger and to take time to really consider my options (surgery or not) that not all aneurysms rupture, and even if they grow dosent mean they will, its just that we lose our nerve and operate! He has seen groups of women giving birth with aneurysms (and thats some pushing!) and in a study of 200 people with the same as mine 0 ruptured over the 5 year study! however 0 risk is impossible therefore they say 0.5 risk per year of rupture......But then couldnt guarantee me that it wouldnt rupture tomorrow!..... However I think I will have coils and stent after thinking it over, as leaving it.... till when? I will be older and who knows what other circumstances. I would rather take my risks of mini stroke during operation in a controlled place with a top doctor than risk rupture which could be anywhere anytime.

I urge you to calm down and realise you can carry on as normal, take a breath, think about it and be positive.

Thank you Jacr. I know when I go on June 2nd to the neurosurgeon I will have a better grip on things and know what I am truly facing. It’s the unknown that’s getting to me.

But being on here has help me so much. Hearing everyone’s story gives me hope and is helping me each day.

I was the mom of a 12 year old when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was much the same as you - I worked full time, was active in the Girl Scouts, on the town's soccer board, on my town's Celebration's Committee and all the activities with my daughter. That came to a screaming halt after I started treatment that lasted 4 years - I was lucky some days to get out of bed and took 10 meds to counteract the side effects.

I am only telling you all this because I can identify with what you are going through. If and when you have surgery, those people will have your back. Really, they will. They will step up and recognize all you have done or are doing and pick up the slack - all you need to do is reach out to people to let them know.

I hope you have someone to go with you to the neurosurgeon tomorrow - it's easy to forget things and it's completely normal. We are the lucky ones - our annies did not burst before they were diagnosed. We are here to help you through - most of us had annies fixed years ago and we come back to help other people get through the process, like we were helped. I had an annie on my neck in the jugular vein 30 years ago that was removed and the jugular was sewn back up then I was diagnosed with a brain annie on the basilar tip - it was coiled and stented Oct. 2011. Any questions, just ask - I am sure that someone will know the answer. In the meantime, take care of yourself and those children (and let us know what the neurosurgeon said).


Lala, How did your meeting with the Neurosurgeon go today?

I was admitted to the hospital for an arteriography to be done in the morning. When that is done they will go from there.


I just wanted to check in and see how your appointment went yesterday? Hope all went well and you were given some answers to help ease your mind.


I had to stay in the hospital when I went for my appointment. They did the arteriography on Friday. I have blood vessels in the front of my brain that do not connect so there is no blood flow. Also the arteries in the back of my head are different sizes. One is very large with great blood flow the other one is very small. All of the test are being sent to a specialist to see what can be done. So I am still waiting on answers.


So you have some more waiting to do. Try and stay relaxed and so not cause any unnecessary stress. I feel confident that they are working to get you a good diagnosis otherwise they would be ignoring you or giving you some "formed" answer. So this is not a bad thing.

Carol are blessed to have neuro-docs who have so explained ...that is such a blessing...

What Carol just so true...

Some research I did some time back...noted that apx 80% have the 'identical basic' artery(ies) layout...what we see in the basics online) and, the other 20% can have some variances... so they should have good data on the steps to take...

Prayers are with you for each step...