Mood Swings

I had a brain bleed 3 years ago, by the time I was taken to another hospital where a surgeon was that was able to do the surgery my artery had clotted so they kept me in the hospital for a week to observe me. I did loose some feeling on one side and my vision was affected and memory loss. My main problem now is severe headaches and very bad mood swings, anger at friends and my husband that I should not have. Has anyone else gone through this? I don’t know what to do about it, and do not really get any answers from the doctors I talk to about it

I have the exact problems (my ruptured annie was clipped 7 years ago). Have learned to live with the headache (its now the norm for me), but also have no idea what to do about the mood swings and depression. My neurosurgeon was never much help in explaining those either. Sorry I couldn’t be of any help, just wanted you to know that there are others going through the same thing.

thanks for letting me know I am not the only one. There is no support group within our community and I am so happy to have found this site. I have been reading what everyone sends in and realize how lucky I was when mine happened. I take aspirin like candy for the headaches every day, and I know I should not be but did not like the pain pills and did not want to get addicted to them. I do think that I need to be on an antidepressant of some sort because of the mood swings and was wondering if that is what others have had to do

Hi Mary...Talk to your Doctor about mood swings...I think an anti~depressant would so help you...

I talk anti~anxiety drug...because that is my big, big problem since the coiling...anti~anxiety drug, along with meditation tapes...and trying to work with my "new normal" have helped...

Also, Talk Therapy...can help too...You have suffered long enough...and your neurologist should be able to help you out...they are so much more up on this...and if he/she is not ... perhaps you need to find a new Doc...

Gotcha in my aren't alone ... Cyber~thoughts your way...Colleen