Memory loss

Hello every one.

I had my second clipping 6 months ago and i'm suffering a bit of memory loss.

The clipping was done in the left side of the brain.

Sometimes i forget i had appointments, or I forget what i said in a converstion, just after aminute of saying it.

Has this happened to any one and does it go away

Thank you

I think everyone is different. I unfortunately suffer from this. Post its helps. I have em everywhere in my purse, on my computer desk, next to the fridge, etc... If u have an iphone or an ipad siri is really helpful remind you too. Has it gotten better since my sah a lil but not much. :( good luck


Hi Nikki, you have been away for a while, hope you are ok. I used to forget things, I will still forget the occassional word mid sentence, but I can usually describe what I mean. It has got better. I have missed chatting with you hope you are back for a while.

I was forgetful of appointments even before my clipping 2 years ago. I use the Outlook calendar on my email & phone to keep up with appointments & meetings. I send myself an appointment request to my work & personal email, so that I can see where I need to be and when. I also use it to give myself reminders for due dates. I am a special ed. teacher, so I have paperwork due for each student at various times, so I put it on my calendar (including reminder to ask other teacher for info. on students).

My computer also has a "post it note" function for the desktop, and I use it for day to day reminders, such as making copies. It really helped me stay on top of things when I first went back to work after my clipping. I also email myself to remember to buy things at the store.

I occasionally "lose" a word, too, and it is frustrating, but I don't notice it as often as I did 2 years ago.

Hi is so good to see you, but not good that you are having memory loss...have you talked to Neurologist/Neurosurgeon...can this be temporary? Also, I think there is a site for working on memory...I will try and find out and give that to you...Bless your Heart have a road to are always in my Thoughts...~ Colleen

Hello Nikki,

The one thing that seemed to help me get things sharpened abit in my brain was playing games on the computer such as tri-peaks solitaire...I was pretty slow initally at my reaction time but soon enough I gained speed and I noticed my brain seemed to 'speed up' as well and was less foggy, and it seemed to help. Hope this is just a temporary thing, but i'm sure its got to be pretty disconcerting in the meantime.

Take Care , Janet

Thanks for your in put every one.

Lynn i'm here still, just tired alot, so i don't go on the net much.

Colleen you're a dream, thank you.

Thanks everyone

I see my Doc in September, hope this is temporary, i looked up info on left brain and that it is where our memory is located.

Ciao guys, i'll let you know what Doc says x x

That’s good Nikki, I agree with Janet, I play a lot o computer games and that does sharpen your memory. You know it is a slow road back you are on a steep hill with a big curve, once you get over it you will pick up speed. Just watch out for the curves. Xxx

hi nikki! Ted here, I am always surprised to hear this as I thought my deficit was because of the sah damage. its amazing we are all different but all the same. I just lost the tax bill -its so frustrating! Don't be too hard on yourself-even non-anny people have memory problems, I think practice helps- I do for memory exercises, also the easy level sudoku's and I do memory exercises on here trying to recall peoples locations and situations. It does get better but I think we have to work at it. Keeping u in thoughts and prayers for great healing and recovery, ps I think good eating habits and keeping hydrated and sleep helps too~~xo~~ ted

Thanks Teddykins, thanks Lynne, I'm doing better x x

Thanks REG, I will get that book.
Hey we both had surgery at the same time and same place, lol.
You're a sweet person
God Bless x

Hi Nikki,

I just “celebrated” the 44th anniversary of my clipping. Over the years, I’ve had some issues with word finding and retaining names of people and things, but not too many issues with memory loss. My clips are on the right side of the brain.

Of course now, that I’m older some memory issues are popping up and they can be disturbing. Like folks below, I am using more notes and my phone to help remember what I’m supposed to do. Two things that I have found to help me be less anxious are:

If i can’t find something, I stop looking for it for 5 minutes or more and then look again, or use something else, like the spare keys.

If I’m talking and forget something, I say, “sorry I’m having a senior moment” and chuckle. The other person may give you a clue or you can come back to it.

I also like the Lumosity brain training games and play those daily.

The most important thing is to be kind to yourself as your body and brain heal.

Take care.