Looks like it's coils for me... and still no dx on what my symptoms are about

Thanks for your warm welcome!

I am frustrated, as I'm sure many of you are/were, that my aneurysm was found "accidentally" while looking for a reason for my symptoms... and now I am forced to deal with it... Which IS a good thing rather than having it rupture and leave me with a stroke or not alive... and yet, it is hard to get "excited" or be grateful when knowing that there are risks associated with treating it versus "pretending" it was never there.

Dr Tamargo at Hopkins said today what the big cheese of endovascular said after the angio -- this should be coiled and stented. It's not a candidate for clipping due to location, and PED is not the way he suggests going.

I started the journey due to sudden loss of vision (not complete loss, but significant change) in my left eye along with weakness, numbness and loss of small motor skills in my right hand. Prior to the angiogram, the MRI with contrast radiologist said the vision was due to the aneurysm pressing on my optic nerve. Well, it's not.

So concurrent with tx for the annie comes looking back to my original neuro doc about investigating these "possible MS lesions" that have been noted by a few docs along the way (but not as emergent to look at as the annie....).

Blah. I'm sure I'll feel better once I'm past the frustration stage... just not sure how long that will be.

Thanks for listening,



Hi Shari...it is a long journey and can be so confusing...and take time to digest the information...remember "knowledge is power"...and you will learn much here ... sending some positive vibes your way ~ Colleen

Hello Shari, wow-very scary! Good thing is your in a great place to receive the best advise. I wish you the best. donna w

Thanks for your support!

Thanks for your support!

Great points, Jo. Thanks for your support!

hi Shari! so glad your here since this site has helped me in so many ways! yes, you are right to know you are blessed to find it before a rupture like i had. you have a long journey ahead but think positive that it will be fixed and you can resume your life and all frustrations will be behind you! thank you for sharing- i think it helps us all to be connected in this surreal world of annies. Keep the faith as we'll keep you & yours in our thoughts & prayers!