Living with unruptured aneurysm


Living with an unruptured aneurysm since 2008 has not always been easy. In the beginning it really wasn't that hard because it was 2mm. It is now 5x3.

I have a very loving husband and two teen age daughters. They are conerned for me but really don't want to talk or listen to me talk about it. Reason for writing this now. My husband want's me to watch and wait as do the doctors. Which I have been doing even though I would like to have it fixed. The doctor did say if I wanted it fixed he would fix it. He wants to coil but I really just want it clipped and be done with it. I think about it often and wonder if this wil be the day it ruptures. Don't like being alone, have daily headaches, feel alone, even though I know I'm not. The stress of knowing it's there is getting to be too much. I will be getting an MRA again in June and it will be decision time again.

Thanks for reading. I just needed to get that off my chest.


Hi Deanna, waiting can he very hard. When I found out I had a brain aneurysm. My neurologist sent me for several different tests. Each one showed the aneurysm was around 7mm. He felt I should wait and watch. However with much prayer, research and second opinions. Two weeks later I chose to have the coiling and stent procedure. I just felt that if It could be fixed then why wait. Now that I have had my follow up angio, It revealed that it was smaller maybe 5-6mm and is comlpetely occluded. For me I did get after effects following the coiling procedure but am learning how to deal with them. I am just thankful I got the procedure over with. It's been four years since the procedure. I thank God every day for helping me through this process. Had I known how to keep all the stress away it wouldn't of been that bad. As far as our family, this is hard for them. They don't want to talk out it, they just hope that it will go away. I try not to talk about it to much. They have busy lives and talking about it makes them worry. No one can ever understand what we are going through. They can't they are not walking in our shoes. Since I found this site I have many friends who care and understand. You can to, by asking you will get answers from people who care and know what you are going through. Hope this helps, Jen


Thanksfor responding. My aneurysm is in ICA behind right eye. First doctor said I was not a candidate for coiling because of the size of the neck. My three other opinions all say to coil and when I bring up clipping they always dismiss the idea. Not sure why. I still have alot of questions for my doctor in June. I really trust him. I have prayed alot about this and I know for now this is what God want's me to do. Thank you for the prayers they mean alot. I wouldn't be where I am today without them.



Thanks for responding. Yes waiting has always been hard for me. I'm glad things worked out for you. Like you I had more than one opinion and did alot of praying. And that is why I'm still living with an unruptured aneurysm. I believe the time isn't right. I'm actually hoping that it has grown. That will make my dicision to get it fixed eaiser. I was hoping for that the last time too.

I told my family about this site and they don't seem to be intrested. I think even this is scary to them.

Thanks again for listening and yes it did help.

Have a blessed day,


Hi Deanna, I wonder if your aneurysm has a large base? If so, you might ask if the Pipeline Embolization Device (PED) would be something that could be done. My aneurysm could not be coiled or clipped. Luckily, the PED option was available. I recently had this procedure on March 23. I am doing well. Instead of doing a craniotomy, they are able to place the device using cerebral angiography. I have already had my head cut open from ear to ear for brain cancer. Believe me, this is much easier! The large aneurysm was hiding a smaller aneurysm next to it. They found it during the procedure. We pray that everything is going to work out. The type and location of the aneurysm was a large-based intracranial, anterior genu right internal carotid artery. Also referred to as a right intracavernous ICA measuring approx. 11mm. Keep looking for the right doctors. Endovascular Neurologists, and Surgeons who know about the PED. Blessings, Chris

Sue, keep writing you are our inspiration. I just cried and laughed now, something I don't do much. Laughter is healing to our whole body. Have a great day!

Hi again, and thank you. I am happy to share with you. Your family loves you, they might not know what to do. They are probably hoping that you won't have to do anything, that would be great! Can you ask them to sit down with you and help you figure out what you should do? I believe in prayer and healing and will keep you in my prayers. Please message me anytime if you want to talk. God Bless you, Jen

Deanna...prayers that you will get strong support...

Please tell your husband and children that my ICA aneurysm leaked/ruptured (multiple times) @ 6mm...I was not in a monitoring for anything greater than "menopausal"...i.e. headaches, real blah post MVAs...

Personally, I am not a believer in the wait 'n watch time note your 2008 initial was 2 mm and not when yours reached the 5 x 3mm... and, I do not understand if the 5 or 3 follows the 2.

What has your PCP (or neuros) recommended re: your decision, your symptoms (of stress or growth of the aneurysm), your support system; i.e. neurologist, psycholgoist, church, counselor for separate and joint meetings w/the kids? Please tell your hubby about the spouse group...(right name?).

Hugs and prayers,



Thanks for your story. It was funny and sad at the same time. I hate that we have to go through this. Laughter is a good thing.



Thank you. I believe in prayer and healing too. I use to ask God to take the aneurysm away but know he has his reasons for it being there. I know two people that prayed theirs would go away and they did. With God all things are possible.



If by large base you mean wide neck then yes. Neck is 3mm. The doctor I have now never said anything about the neck being wide. At least not that I remember. One of the questions I was going to ask him in June was if I was a candidate for the PED.

Sorry to hear you had to go through all that but glad you are doing well.

Thanks and blessings to you too,


Hi Deanna, you'll be glad to know that the gauge for wide nec

k is 4.5 or higher. Anything under the 4.5 is optimal. My basilar tip anuerysm was wideneck 5 x 7mmI. It was coiled Jan 2012. So far the coiling is doing well. Won't have my first follow up till June. I hope they come up with a plan for you. The waiting and wondering is always the worst. Hang in there and know that all are praying for you.


In 2008 it was a 2mm. and in 2009 it was 5.3. Doctor I have know thinks it has always been a 5.3. All opinions said it was more of a risk to treat than of rupture. I really like and trust my doctor at Cleveland Clinic. He takes the time to listen and answer my questions. After listening to his opinion and much prayer I believe I should wait. I'm the one that wants it fixed but I really want to do what God leads me to to do. And for now that is to wait. Getting another MRA in June and hoping to get it taken care of.

Thanks for the hugs and prayers,



Glad your getting it taken care of. I will be asking my doctor about the PED at my next appointment in June.

I'll be praying for you. Keep us posted.


Deanna you have to take care of yourself-your family probably is in denial.Have the coiling as soon as possible, I had mine, same size, coiled 6 weeks ago. The support from this forum is what got me through it, I thought I was going to die. Six weeks later i''m fine and have started lecturing at a college 2 days ago. The waiting was dreadful

Do it - for yourself

All my best


Hi Deanna,
I lived with an unruptured A for almost 2 years. It grew from a 3 to a 5, ICA ophthalmic. I was relieved that it was growing and decided to have it clipped, which I did just 8 weeks ago, although I still had the option to wait. Best decision I ever made. Better than waiting for a rupture and having no control. Surgeon said it was a good thing I didn’t wait. Long story short, I am so grateful to be doing well, no deficits, hardly any pain, no meds, just tire more easily, but so glad to have it all behind me.

I know what you mean about being alone and constantly wondering if…

Best of luck to you. P.S. I am in my 60s

Hi Deanna,

It is definitely challenging to live with knowledge of unruptured aneurysms. Having lived with such knowledge longer than most people, my approach has been to try to avoid focusing on it so much. There are so many things in the news that happen randomly to scare you enough.

As others have said, trust your doctors advice, acquire information to help you decide and then focus on all that brings you joy in life. When the thoughts about the annie come, acknowledge them and move on.

My prayer for you, me and other members of BAF is for God’s peace to be with us and that he will keep us and those we love safe.

Ultimately, God is in control. So, with this in mind, I have made reservations for a trip to China this summer (with my 3 unruptured Annies). I pray that we don’t have to deal with any of the issues that can put a traveler in peril or cause some to fear traveling nor an aneurysm issue.:slight_smile:

Take care,


Thanks Pat. The doc said he would fix if I was stressed out about the aneurysm being there. I was told the same thing by another doc.
I usually dwell on this close to doc visit but for some reason I’m dwelling sooner. Lol
Thanks again for your reply. I’m sure you will be hearing from me again in June.


Thanks for the prayers.



Thanks for the encouragement. Glad your doing well. I talked to my husband this morning on the phone. Told him I really need to talk about this and he said we will talk when he gets home. My husband is very quiet and keeps things in, so this is a good thing.
