"Listening To Music Improves Recovery After Surgery"

"A team of UK researchers from Brunel University and Queen Mary University of London analyzed data from 72 trials involving nearly 7000 patients. They found that patients were significantly less anxious after surgery, and reported significantly more satisfaction, after listening to music.

Patients also needed less pain medication and reported significantly less pain compared with those who had not listened to music. Surprisingly, even listening to music while under general anaesthetic reduced patients’ levels of pain, although the effects were larger when patients were conscious.

Although listening to music at any time seemed effective, there was a trend for better outcomes if patients listened to music before surgery rather than during or after." Listening To Music Improves Recovery After Surgery - Sciencebeta.

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Perhaps that’s why my Neurosurgeon’s old surgical team always played music before she started and I got my choice!

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100% agree! When awake, I had my phone playing music during my 11 days in ICU - I could actually feel my nerves calming. Even the nurses said they enjoyed my music when they would come in to poke and prod. I also found that when my subconscious started taking me down a “poor-me-one” sad little path (after discharge), what I played would help distract my thoughts. Of course, choose your songs wisely :wink: I now go to sleep with meditational music, which is essentially instrumental.