Liquid Embolization Recovery, Update

Last Friday I had an MRA. I have been having severe headaches. I am very happy to report that the onyx hd 500 is working and my brain looks normal! I think I am going through a stage, as Colleen states, "the new norm afterannie".. I think that I am struggling with stress of the unknown and work of course. If the headaches would cease, I think that I could move to the next level of recovery. I am sure that there are many stages and forms and different for all of us, thus, this site for us to compare and know we are not alone. I am post op 3 months and I look forward to the future! Life after annie's, let's just say, its different right now.


Great news - congrats! I'm so sorry about your headaches - they can make life miserable - hopefully you will soon be on an upward trend to lose them.



Great news that your surgery was a success!!

Yes, Colleen has it right, the "new norm"!!
I am 4 months post op and still have a few headaches. My doc did say that headaches were not uncommon after surgery, becuase after all, it is brain surgery and our brains really don't like being poked at!!

It will get better, and if you feel that you are making no progress, call your doctor. My headaches have certainly subsided since my surgery and I'm sure you will get there too.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers,

Best wishes,



Thanks for your words of encouragement. I am reducing my work hours from 50-60 to 40, doctors orders, so, I am sure this will help my recovery. I just have had a hard time slowing down. But, the time has come and I have the support of my boss and staff. It will improve! thanks again.

I am glad to hear of your recovery process as well. It is encouraging to hear your progress.

Have a Blessed Evening,


Thanks Sherri! I feel that they will subside with my decrease in work hours. I have had a hard time resting of late. Part of the Journey...My thoughts and prayers are with you and your upcoming surgery. Please keep us posted on your progress. It is definitely ongoing.

Have a Blessed Evening,


Where and who performed you ONYX? I know my neuro is a pioneer in the use and development of the procedure.

Dr. Robert Mericle, HW Neurological Institute, Nashville, TN. He is absolutely the most gifted person I have ever met and one of he top neurosurgeons in the nation. I know that he has been involved in studies with this process and has some published articles.