Important question!

hello. I know you’re all probably tired of listening to my voice so I appreciate it. My new thing I was wondering is has anybody had that side effect where they sort of just ramble things out of their mouth like it just gets going and they can’t stop it? I read that that’s one of the side effects because the frontal lobe is where your emotions are housed and so it’s you know understandable that you might have waves of emotion, but also a side effect of sort of saying whatever don’t want them to know.
I just did that and I feel really uncomfortable. i just kept babbling. i tried to apologize when I realized what happened but trying to explain that i just had head surgey, does not help.



I did after I ruptured, it could be entertaining with whatever came out of my mouth as we never knew what it would be. My stent has helped with it a great deal, but not back to the quiet, reflective person I once was. I didn’t apologize for anything that came out of my mouth before my stent, I didn’t understand that what I may say would hurt someone’s feelings. I still don’t understand vagueness and innuendos just told that to the dentist earlier this week and explained I needed exact directions. It didn’t help one bit and he kept it up, until he saw me doing my exaggerated relaxation breathing. He asked why and I said you no listen, you just hear, what kind of university gave you your psych degree, you no should be proud of that paper, waste of money and time. Take down! He didn’t know what to say, I went home upset. I wanted BH to be with me​:crazy_face::joy:

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Hey Abby,

Nope, you’ll have to try harder :rofl:

Ahh, yea. And by the time I’ve said it, it’s too late to get back. There’s an old saying ‘A rolling stone gathers no moss’ I took it a step back ‘A closed mouth gathers no stones’. I’d say the wrong thing at the wrong time, to the wrong person and ohhh it could be so messy. I was honest, just too honest. I didn’t just ‘put my foot in my mouth’ (say the wrong thing) ohh, no, I jammed my whole leg in my mouth. It was safer for EVERYBODY, me included, just to shut up. I can’t offend if I don’t say anything.

I needed lots of ‘Time out’s’, otherwise I’d open my mouth and out it would come. Nasty. I learnt I had to slow things down, to think about it, then talk. It often made me sound slow and some people would try to finish my sentences. That only served to light my fuse and they’d get told in no uncertain terms just what I thought with no filter at all and every expletive known to man.

Finding that balance was a HUGE challenge for me.

Merl from the Modsupport Team

it’s weird because it just started happening. Well, I don’t know. I guess we could ask other people ha ha. But I’m only been around that many people except for my sister and my friend Peter. So I’m not sure that I’ve had the opportunity to be around a lot of people and people are used to be kind of rambling anyway. But what I find is that in the last couple of weeks that suddenly I’m just having the stream of consciousness that’s happening instead of like having it in my own head I have it wherever I want to have it. And when I’m trying to explain something it doesn’t come out the right way and nobody gets that. And then they think I’m making excuses for things and it’s really frustrating. I also have a piece of anxiety I’ve never had before. I used to call myself the eternal thrillseeker when I was young. I was fearless. Then of course I grew up lol. But I’ve always had this sense of not having an anxiety, people, person, comfortable in any kind of situation, because I was such a chameleon. I guess you can call that the Gemini in me. Now I’m about to start school, when I haven’t been around pretty much any human life for five weeks, and I’m walking back in to a school of 2000 kids. Our first two days are these in-service days but still you’ve got about 200 people you’re doing with them because I’m at the high school. I have horrible anxiety walking in to this building with that many people. And it’s not like I can just walk around and tell everybody. Hey, I’ve had brain surgery to every single person I meet. Although, sometimes I think that maybe I should be wearing a sign. I’ve been pretty lucky overall. I went through the really bad headache days and then In

sorry cut myself off. anyway, I went through the flat affect stage. Apathy was my only friend. Then I went through the super woman. I can do anything stage and now we’re at anxiety at anything new or unfamiliar.

As I’ve said to many people before ‘Recovery’ is NOT a straight line. I was up, I was down, I was side ways, and some days all 3 in one day. I had to find a plateau that I could balance around. Some days that balancing act worked OK, some days that balance was a mess. Over time you’ll learn your balance too, but it can take time.

Merl from the Modsupport Team

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now my head is numb. :joy:

Hey Abby,
Yep, my scalp took months for a normal touch sensation to return. Hot or cold multiplied those sensations, especially around the incision line. I had a ‘goldilocks zone’, 25-30C, anything hotter/colder and I’d be symptomatic. Combing my hair was like running an electrical current across my scalp :grimacing: :confounded: The wound itself had all healed, but the nerve endings were all facing outward when stapled back together and any touch was chronic bad. But it did settle. I soon learnt to avoid that area with a comb.

I don’t know when the touch sensation of the scalp returned to normal. I think I just became accustomed to it feeling odd. As it heals, the itch, ohhh. They say its a natural healing thing but OMG, it drove me damn near crazy, but before you go putting any creams or salves on it, ask the surgeon’s office first. The very last thing you want to do is compromise the wound healing. As it all heals you may experience odd sparks across your scalp. It was explained to me that it’s the scalp nerves, which have been cut during surgery, firing messages to relocate each other. For me, some of those ‘odd sparks’ were rather intense and initially scared the bejeezus out of me. But it’s normal, it’s all part of the healing.

Merl from the Modsupport Team

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I feel like Nails please I start work in seven days in so part of the stress. I woke up and I had the worst migraine shot through my head and made me nauseous. I took some Tylenol, drink some water and went back to bed. my cat is being an ass. I don’t feel well enough to take her anywhere. If she doesn’t feel well. but she tends to get stressed when I’m stressed or I don’t feel good. It’s weird it’s like the first three weeks or so. I really didn’t feel like I had any side effects and I was like oh look what a walk in the park. Now I’m at the weeks now, I’m getting the headaches, swings, nausea and sleep disturbances. I having my post head check up on Tuesday. But I was told by the PA this is all within normal healing. it doesn’t feel normal to me because I know that is. I haven’t went to the ER I couple hours ago because my stomach and my head hurts so bad. Then I realize that there was nothing they could do so I just shot another thing of Tylenol took her nausea pills and went back to bed.
People try to rationalize or tell me it’s all okay, i know it is sometimes it does not feel that way.

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