I’m a mess

I am only a week out of surgery and this weird anxiety has kicked in. I need to sleep more when I haven’t been sleeping. Constipated from the pain pills, so I’m gonna move to Tylenol and or ibuprofen. I have these big purple bruises under my eyes. I would imagine it’s because I’m not resting enough. I find myself absolutely anxious about every little thing. I’m supposed to go back to work in three weeks and that gives me anxiety because I don’t know whether I can or not. Maybe it’s just too soon for me to make that kind of determination. But I feel like a mess.Am I supposed to feel this way? No one seems to understand. They tell me to chill out and stop stressing. You don’t poop because your anxiety keeps you a wake. You’re a mess.

My guess is that the hematomas under your eyes are a common effect after the surgery you had. I think it’s called a periorbital hematoma. Did you have it while you were in the hospital? If not, it’s best if you contact your team and ask them about it. Perhaps you can send a message through your patient portal? You should have gotten information how to contact them when you were sent home.
If you still are on stronger painkillers, they may be the reason why you don’t have a bowel movement, many of the stronger painkillers are known for this side effect. Maybe trying to use Tylenol is a better idea, but don’t wait until the pain gets worse, take them on a regular schedule.
What about one daily dose of Miralax or Dulcolax until this problem has resolved? I’m not a doctor but to my knowledge constipation has NOTHING to do with anxiety.
Is it too early to get back to work in three weeks you ask? If we cannot handle the stress of our daily activities and still are in pain then my personal thoughts are that it is way too early. We have to be able to jump in a car, drive to work and stay upright for the entire day. Maybe it’s easier for you to make that decision within a week.
What I have learned in this forum is that we all experience different physical sensations after our surgeries and we need time to heal. I hope that you will get better soon and also that the PT and OT therapy is good for you. I hope that some other members that had a craniotomy are able to write a few words to you.
Take care, it takes time to recover.


I feel guilty like I should be doing some thing size it lounging. But she showed not able to drive yet and I still getting these bouncer legs lady laying next to the sand feels pretty good.

One week out, the anxiety is real!!! You should only do what feels right for you. If going to work feels too soon don’t go, if you feel like you need to get out then go. It’s your process and no one can tell you how you should or shouldn’t feel. The worse thing someone can say is “chill out” or “stop stressing”. They real probably never understand but the least they can do is work through this with you. People sometimes do realize the power in their words so maybe have a conversation with your love ones and help them understand. Let them know that you need them more than ever to work through this with you.


That is the most profound thing I think I heard so far. Although, everybody has been so awesome. Such great advice and sharing of their own journies . But yes, my brain has been assaulted it needs to rest

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Don’t rush yourself back to work. It’s been 3 years for me and am just now getting ready to go back to work. Anxiety for me is best handled with prayer. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is from Phillipians, “ Be anxious for nothing, but in all things with prayer and petition let your requests be made know to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. When I recite this the doubt and anxiety goes away. I also use 2 Timothy 1:7, “ For God did not give us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of sound mind”. These have been so strong and peace brining in my recovery.

Thank you. I’m going to go get my staples out today, which I’m sure will be a blast, and I’m going to have the Doctor sign some papers for FMLA. Even though I supposed to go back to work in three weeks, I’m going back to teaching at a high school 1500 kids in special education on top of that perhaps part-time might be OK, it’s hard to know right now because I’m only two weeks out and I’m exhausted

Thanks for the reply,
Don’t push it. I’m 3 years out and still don’t feel 100%. Use the FMLA and research as much as you can on your TBI. Everybody is different. I was 60 and in great shape when mine happened. 3 years later I’ve put on 40lbs and get fatigued very easily. Take your time see what your disability rights are and file for your Social Security disability.
After staple out go get your hair styled to grow in even. My poor barber had to go around fishing wire from my shunt surgery. But hey it looked better than half a shaved head :sweat_smile:.
Anyway take care. If you have any questions that I may be able to answer please ask. I’ll enclose my MRI image so you can see how big.