I also have panic disorder and anxiety over bodily sensation

Anyone relate as my fears of angiogram complications and coiling complications are causing a lot of stress and worry, and fear , but I feel that u must be proactive and take precautionary actions. Think you

Thank you! I have been meditating/ praying, I like the idea of a positive mantra, such as I am being proactive about my body and will have faith about the best outcome!

ellie...welcome...I keep hoping many/all new members will intro here...as time (for some of us!) can be so difficult to get thru a day...a/w/a attempt to view/acknowledge a fairly long list of new members...worse, for some of us...to "remember" the name...and the parts that have been shared...

ellie, I so agree that each of us must be proactive and take precautionary actions...to make our decisions.

I do have fear of angios....due to their volume of radiation and the contrast dye (agents, materials, media, medium)---the most common word is "dye"...and, not if we are researching it online...

I have a lot of personal concerns...particularly of the marketed minimally invasive procedures...

I feel that "we" all must be joined in proactivity... to share precautionary actions...

Prayers you will retain your proactive interest and activities...and, especially in sharing them...to open them up thoroughly to the public...to any and all with potential needs for treatment.

Prayers and many thanks for your bringing this up...and open..

Regards from patioplans

Thank you for your reply! I have such a sensitive and allergized? Blood brain barrier, I’m going to speak with doc about concerns, ty have a good day, Ellie

Ellie...I hope you will share more about your 'sensitive - allergized' blood-brain-barrier...

Hi Ellie, it is scary when confronted with something like this. Probably what a fish feels like when it finds itself out of water. Horrified. Anyway, before my craniotomy and clipping I downloaded some meditation and yoga music to my ipod and kindle and slept listening to those. For some reason, Native American flute music calmed me the most and helped me get through the preliminary fear. It's taking one step at a time. Best way to control the fear.

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Hi sorry took so long, I listen to a YouTube video of yoganidra for panic. It’s 13 minutes and very healing