How to proceed?

“Maybe I’m spending too much of my time starting up clubs and putting on plays." - Max Fischer

This quotation is from the film Rushmore, and the protagonist questions how he should spend his time. Sometimes, I think about this quotation and how it applies to me. Thankfully, most of the physical ailments I still experience are more of a nuisance than a problem; and I’ve adjusted well to the emotional recovery. Before the quarantining, I had gotten a tutoring job, made plans to volunteer with a senior citizens association, stroke recovery group, and brain injury group. I had even returned to the dating world. However, all of these things were either canceled or changed drastically. Now, I’m faced with the question of what to do next. Since it’s difficult for me to make emotional connections, it’s also harder to figure out how I should spend my time. The analogy I think of is a person who has no taste buds. They know they need to eat, but it makes it more difficult to be consistently motivated to do so. Either way, though, I’m optimistic and will continue to move forward with a spring in my step; not too big of a spring, due to my balance issues…

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Stephen, I’m LOL over the balance issues, many times I walk like a drunken sailor. I can surely relate :slight_smile: Learn a hobby that is completely out of your comfort zone, volunteer at a local food bank or Meals on Wheels, try some type of needle work. Remember that hugely famous football player, actor, minister etc that did it to relax? Ok so maybe you’re not old enough…it’s Rosey Grier. I watched him play for the Rams!

Your writings always get my brain to working and I thank you immensely for it. This made me think of Robert Fulghum’s inconvenience or problem story. I read it in a Reader’s Digest decades ago. Debated on tearing it out as I hate to ruin books of any type. Tore it out and for many, many years kept it to reread as a reference. Kept it in my room as a Teaching Parent, home office as an HRI worker, office when I was in CPS. When I was in ICU, I struggled to think of my rupture as an inconvenience and eventually it did move from a problem to an inconvenience.

Thank you for everything you bring to us!

I’m familiar with Rosey Grier, and the fearsome foursome, though I wasn’t old enough to watch him play live.

While uncertainty about the future still remains, I’m optimistic about it now, as opposed to earlier times in my recovery when it was overwhelming and uncomfortable. I know there will be opportunities available as the recovery proceeds and everything settles down.

In the meantime, I’ll keep writing about movie analogies, and the occasionally Ruth Stout quotation. Thank you for being as supportive as you’ve been. It has truly made a difference.

You’re an awesome writer Stephen! I await in quite anticipation for your next topic! Thank you so much for the kind words.

Hi Stephen!
You sound very positive and that’s great. I try to do the same. I’m curious to your balance issues as I have some too. It will be 4 years since I had my pipeline stents. I go about my life fine as I’m a cancer survivor too so you don’t let things weigh you down. My balance is off at times like if it’s too hot out while walking or if I’m tired. Let me know about yours and how you are dealing with them. I do exercise but sometimes the balance gets in the way. Thanks and stay positive!

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Hi MiMi,

Thank you so much for reaching out, and I’m glad you’re staying positive with everything. I think my balance and vision may be connected. If my head is still, there are no problems. If I move my head, I experience what it’s like when you’ve stepped off a merry-go-round, and it takes a little for the picture to settle. It’s like I’m a human bobblehead. As for the balance, it’s a little more difficult to find an analogy, although I guess it feels like I’m not as certain about my footing as I used to be. I experience both 100% of the time, but I’ve adjusted to it. Thankfully, I don’t get nauseated. I had done physical therapy, acupuncture, and exercises, but now I have just accepted this may be how things are going to be for the foreseeable future. It may heal more, and it may not; but I’m good with things either way. I hope you are doing well.

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