How long did you wait till you resumed sexual activity?

I just had a WEB Device put in for a 10mm MCA Unruptured Aneurysm 4 days ago. Recovery has been good. All I have in the discharge notes regarding sex is that it’s ok to resume when I feel able.


Hey Cloudy,
Welcome to Ben’s Friends. Lots of good people with a ‘lived experience’ around here.
I’m Merl from the Modsupport Team.
I’m probably the wrong person to be answering this because I didn’t have an annie nor a web device. But I’ve required a few neurosurgeries and I think the best advice here is “Be aware”. Your body will tell you when you’ve reached your limits, but you have to listen. Those signs may be subtle at first, but if you ignore them, you run the risk of a greater injury.

Prior to my first operation my sex drive was huge. Post surgery it didn’t just drop, it fell off a cliff. Don’t get me wrong here, I still loved it (and still do :laughing: ) but my ‘appetite’ had shrunk. I think my body was too busy trying to normalize to this ‘New’ normal. It has improved somewhat, but it’s nowhere near as high as before. (P.S. Im not as young anymore either :laughing: )

Merl from the Modsupport Team

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Thanks for posting! My discharge notes didn’t even mention intimacy. When I asked at an appointment about my body temperature dropping painfully cold, (think hypothermia cold) they suggested taking it slow. The surgeon was a bit embarrassed BH says, I thought it was her NP that got that question. Whomever it was didn’t know why my body was getting that cold. Take it slow and see how your body responds. Don’t forget to talk to your partner about it so there’s no surprises.

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Big HUGE MASSIVE +1 for this line

Yes, this is about you, but it’s not ONLY about you.
Slowly, NO!! I mean S.L.O.W.L.Y. :laughing:

Merl from the Modsupport Team

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Thanks for the replies! Yes, I think we will wait 2 weeks post op to try. For us, our sex life has always been very active ( almost everyday) so yesterday when we dropped the kids off at school and got back home we were like let’s go! I instantly found myself in a very dark space thinking about this newly implanted WEB device in my head and how an orgasm is going to affect my brain healing. I instantly said, wait, we can’t do this yet and now the thought of it makes me super anxious.

My wife is great, she understands, but I don’t want to be in this headspace we’re I’m tiptoeing around life, which is exactly how I would describe myself since coming home 4 days ago lol…

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If you had your procedure done through your femoral artery in your groin I think you should be cautious so you don’t get a huge hematoma that requires a new trip to the hospital. How long you have to be careful, and don’t really know, but common sense tells me that at least let everything heal up for a week or a few more days.

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After surviving a 33mm unruptured aneurysm it was coiled through right femoral artery, on my right communicating artery. it was about 1 month after getting out of hospital. At first I was afraid I would not be able to do. Thank God for a wonderful wife and Viagra. The once werewolf I strived to keep caged is now an old hound dog that needs a lot of coxing to get off the porch😆.


Good point. We are thinking we give it the full 2 weeks post op. Is there much of a risk to the head or are you thinking more of just the femoral artery?

Lol pilotpacking, hey use or lose it! Glad to hear it’s getting out there! Haha
I have to ask, based on your screename, are you a fellow aviator?

Thanks everyone for all of the reply’s.

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I’m thinking both but the femoral artery has a hole that needs to heal, I’m not sure if there will be any problems with the web device you have in your brain. Maybe you should send your neurosurgeon a message and ask when it is ok to perform strenuous exercise if you don’t want to ask about sexual activity. I personally think it is better to be safe than sorry. The timeline for this is just my guessing so it doesn’t hurt to ask your doctor.

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@oct20 is right, you don’t want a huge hematoma in your groin they limit everything in life -e v e r y t h I n g!

Absolutely… leg has been healing nicely so far. I can’t even see the incision. No lump/bump/bruise. So far so good!! The only thing I’ve been noticing since my surgery is I’ll get tingling on my right arm and down my ribs. It happens more often when sitting on a hard chair. I think I have some nerve impingement or something since laying in the hospital for 6 days…

You may be on to something, never hurts to reach out to your doctor and ask though. I used to call the triage RNs that work for the Neurosurgeons. Ms. Ryann was hired and she taught me how to use my portal!

Don’t push it when you are ready to resume you resume, and it is all about you. When you’re ready you can share that moment!

Heard back from doc today and he said it would be safe to resume now, 1 week post surgery. Leg feels good. I feel good. We will go really slow and take it easy.

I’m noticing now a small lump where they placed vitals monitoring in radial artery line. Anyone have this? I have the usual bruising on my arm from that device, but the little bump seemed concerning.

Good for you both!

I had a central line and an arterial line put it the same day, maybe week three of my NSICU stay. I was already looking like a Mac truck had ran me over and they both hurt. Dr. Walker who was putting in the central line did give me more drugs since I could feel the catheter. When my wonderful Med Student EB was putting in the arterial line, I literally begged her to stop. The doctor who was teaching and I’d never met, said he’d do it on the left wrist and I gave him a cussing worthy of any sailor and some of my previous clients, when he inserted the needle. Everyone in the room started clapping as it was the first time I cursed using a whole lot of bad words. That night the RN Ben, had the PA check the arterial line because it felt like the needle was still in, that nitwit pressed down on it and made it hurt much more. Ben wasn’t happy and before shift change, he got a Doctor to get it out. Apparently it wasn’t placed correctly. I ended up with two lumps, one on each wrist but they went away. As always, if it’s concerning you, reach out to your medical team.

Yes former Navy pilot. Have been at major flying for past 32+ years. 727,757,767,777.

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