Help with ny treatment

Sorry by the text.. im not from US. But im searching help

I have an aneurysm fusiforme of the artery left carotid of 30 mm x 40 mm. The symptoms were lost of the field of vision by compression of the aneurysm on the optical left nerve. I go 2 years with this symptom and it has not progressed very rapidly.

I have two possible treatments to continue:

1. Placement of a stent of approximately 7 cm of length, isolating the pressure on the aneurysm. But in Colombia one does not find medical that have practised this system.

2. To effect a test of occlusion with ball of the artery isolating the aneurysm. If the test is favorable the occlusion of the artery is done.

I am grateful for his collaboration, need an urgent opinion of algun specialist

I wish I could help I hope you find your answer God Bless