Headache afterwards?

I had the Pipeline at Hopkins.

Ok, that is great to get your perspective. I sort of discount it asnot brain surgery and more like a rotor rooter procedure. I had it done at Columbia Presbyterian in NYC. Thank you so much I will cut myself some slack on the exercise.


I know exactly how you feel, because I felt the same way after my PED surgery. I had no physical scar, like with a clipping, and wondered how I could even say that I had brain surgery. And then I met all the wonderful people here at BAF who made me realize that I too did have brain surgery! NO matter how insignificant I felt it was, my body was telling me different and I didn't know how to interpret that. I have tried since that time to make anyone who gets the PED realize that although the PED is not as invasive as the "traditional" brain surgery, it is still brain surgery and your brain will fight you back!!! Read A Letter From Your Brain it really will put your recovery into perspective for you.

Cut your brain some slack, you JUST had brain surgery and you have a little ways to go in your recovery yet!!!!

Best wishes and welcome to the PED Group,



Well said Linda. I felt like my brain was saying, "what were they doing in here!!!"Denise