Hey Everyone! I survived a ruptured aneurysm because I was at work when it hit and it just happens to be a hospital and there just happened to be a heart surgeon walking by to save my life by performing cpr on me because I had stroke and swallowed my tongue. I also had 2 strokes on my way in a helicopter to Vanderbilt. I know that I may have not remembered going to the afterlife but I did have a slight out of body experience on the helicopter because I remember seeing the pilots faces and then myself. I am interested in learning and hearing about out of body experiences and visiting the afterlife. Share if you want :)
Alex...so glad you made it through that ordeal! I saw nothing other than a few hallucinations of people who weren't really there once I made it home. But alas...no shiny lights.
I too had stroke. Second one was in hospital waiting on treatment for first one. I have no memory of this event only what my friend says I told her. My friend asked me later if I remembered dying and I said no but I could see her myself and my other friends with me.
My husband is still in the nicu after 2 months he had an AVM and 2 strokes
. Do you know if hallucinations are common after these things my husband will point at the mirror ( he has a trach in so he can't talk) and talk to someone he has mouthed his mother is there and our son both passed on about 6 yrs ago.
Hi Alex, you are a miracle, for a heart surgeon to be walking by, and administered CPR. And you had an outer body experience. God, was protecting you all the way. I am a survivor of a ruptured aneurysm, 2 years ago. I’m also a miracle.
It was an ordinary Spring day in April 2012. My kids had gone to school, and my husband, had left early to attended a funeral, two hours away. So I was in my favourite spot on the computer. In the basement I spend longer time, than I wanted to. Started to get pain, thought It was hunger pangs. I didn’t have breakfast . So I started climbing the basement stairs. That was when my body, started shutting down . I could hardly walked, but reached the living room, and sat on a chair. A voice said" Kimlin, dialled 911, - the voice of God, immediately I did so without hesitation. By that time,talking to the dispatcher. My voice was already slurred. I passed out but regained consciousness, realizing I didn’t opened the door, for the EMS. So I started dragging, on the floor to do so. When I heard a voice, through the door that said
"Cleared the door we’re going to break it!" Last thing, I saw before I fainted again- a firefighter with an axe. Don’t remembered the ambulance ride. Or anything else that day. But waking up, in the ICU. Several days later, with tubes all over my body.
“God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to performed.” 4 months in the hospital- 2 months
In Toronto Western Hospital. The place that saved my life. And 2 months in Toronto Rehabilitation Hospital. The place that gave me back some mobility. I’m forever grateful to staff of health personnels there. 6 months in outpatient physiotherapy. From wheelchair, walker to cane - I’m certainly blessed!
Yes, I did see a bright light, in the ICU? I saw my aunt and my sister coming to collected me. My aunt at the time, was in a nursing home 92 years of age. Suffering from Alzeheimer’s disease. She took me to her home where both sides of the living room was blazed with this bright white light. I thought my time had come! She has since died, a couple of months ago. Maybe, it was her telling me goodbye. For we were very closed. But I am alive, and kicking! Keep the Faith Alex. My thoughts, and prayers are with your loved ones, and you.
Hi Alex...Once I was taken out of the medically induced coma...and was more aware of my surroundings and what happened to me...I told everyone, "Hey I didn't see any lights or persons, etc.," ... it was upsetting...all would reply, "it wasn't your time to leave us"...so truthfully nothing to share. Wishing you a good day ~ Colleen
Hallucinations are very common. I tried to get out of bed multiple times in the ICU and they had to handcuff me. I remember dreaming of having dinner at Red Lobster with my surgeon but alas I was still in the hospital :P I did some crazy and kooky stuff :P The MOST CRAZY thing I did is when they were transporting me from the hospital to rehab, I pulld my trach out and scared the life out of the ambulance tech!
Kimlin, that is amazing! AS my mom said, we are meant for something :)
Oh well :)
hmm.... most likely hallucinations
I had several hallucinations during stay in hospital and I remember several of them. I’m sure it was the meds. But I don’t believe the first event was hallucination as I was only given basic pain med because they mis diagnosed me with flu.
Hello there Kimlin, When i had my Ruptured Anuresym a few yrs back, I was sent to Toronto Western Hospital Where an Emergency Surgery was done and Save my Life....Anyway my Name is Ricky and you can read my Story...
Hello there Alex..I had Brain Anuresym a few yrs back. Sorry if my Words/Sentences are off. When to the Toronto airport with my Cousin Decided to park the Car..That's when someone fond me in the car unconscious face on the steering wheel my foot on the Gas Thank God it was in PARK.Yes I remembered seeing an Ambulance but I was with my Grandmother looking on my Body who had have past away yrs ago remembered been Light and been so happy/free, All of a sudden my Grandmother Stop been Happy and Say..(IT'S NOT Ur TIME)..I was gonna be pronounce DEAD on arrival..But a Couffed!!...You can read my Story my name Ricky
Hi Ricky! Amazing what you have been through :) This gives me hope and inspiration to do my best in life and help people understand what an aneurysm is and how it can affect you.
Liam, I am glad you are with us. I know that feeling. Hope you are doing well in your recovery.
Thank you Alex..Yes spread the Word about Aneurysm because of what I've been through my families/Relatives and friend's here in Canada/England/US and Caribbean Islands know what's an Aneurysm because no one knew and heard about till me... So Alex let's use our Story and let more people know it..your always in my prayers my Brother..
Alex...if you have not already...
Check out the IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies) website...get on their email list...you may have a local branch...I have not been able to dedicate to it yet...I was so into therapies to even be able to read/comprehend...possibly remember... yet, my VFM is so clear...family/friends remember some of my basic words...when I could not tell the story...I have what I call visual flash memories (VFM)...where I can "see" it...dwelled into memory w/no verbiage...initial began in first ER...and, none again until during treatment...
Start writing your memory notes...
Thank you for sharing...
People are replying with
“probably hallucinations”
I doubt it.
After my brain aneurysm hemorrhaged
I went through the coiling procedure.
Then a coma… when I finally regained conciseness, I could remember only one thing.
That something happened to me.
I was and still am absolutely convinced that I was told about death and it is not an end but the very beginning of a wonderful journey.
I asked my brain surgeon when I was going for my first of two craniotomies, if this was just because my brain had been scrambled.
He told me that during a coiling your brain is definitely in a state of trauma.
So if you were able to actually remember something with all that going on, something powerful was helping you break through a lot of brain trauma.
I am completely convinced it was Devine intervention.
Yes, I was in a coma after 2 strokes. At one point the Dr told my husband I probably would not make the night. I don’t remember when it was because I was in the hospital over a month, but and I always cry when I talk or think about it, I vividly remember a woman speaking to me and behind her was someplace wonderful, but I could not see it or her, but she asked me if I wanted to come with her to that wonderful place and I really wanted to but I said “I can’t go…my kids are here and they are too little they still need me.” (they were 6 and 11 at the time) and she said that it was ok, I could stay…so I did.I just know there is something after this and it’s good.