Follow up visit

I have been doing better no more depression, but I did have a follow up angiogram, ugh i hate those...they hurt...anywayz well unfortunately my aneurysm grew and I had to have surgery again. They put more coils and now the drs say hopefully this works and i dont have to worry about no more...but Im not sure, I have my follow up scheduled again in 3 months for another angiogram. I am really hoping everything is fine. If not i have to make a decision of clipping it but i dk that sounds real scary..

Hello, i had 2 annies clipped, and have no problems...its not scary, so don't worry about it...keep your pressure down :) u will be ok

. i read your journey and i must say you are truly a blessing..hang in there and tell hubby to hang in there it gets better. u might not see the light at the end, but its there :-) BLESS YOU

Hi Mayra...This journey can be so long...hang in there...and sending better positive vibes your way ~ Colleen

thanks everyone..i got released to go back to work i start tomorrow..also im kinda sad because i wanted to start school already they told me not until that's just a lil set back..