Follow-up angiograms

I had one a couple months after my ruptured annie, then one year then just had my 3 year follow up. This one was an easy one but very expensive now I come back in 5 years. However I have felt like shit since the angiogram, My neurologist says it has been long enough for the dye to get out doesn't understand why so much pain now. I don't know either but my anger is explosive and the pain in my head is bad all the time I am not sure what to do so I lay low and out of peoples way. I can't seem to spell or get my words out, worse than before, this sucks!! that's my new problem! sorry I think I was not help! good luck!


After my unruptured annie was coiled and stented Oct. 2011, I had a cat scan the day after the surgery, then an angio 3 months afterward and taken off Plavix then. I have had yearly MRAs - the last one was 1 1/2 weeks ago and my neurosurgeon's office sent me a letter saying the new neurosurgeon wanted to see me on Oct. 7 (my first one left for a fabulous job in PA and I was told that the new neurosurgeon was starting in October). Kinda scarey that they wanted to see me that fast, but it's probably just the scheduling.

My last surgeon said I would have MRAs annually for awhile as long as there was no change - if there is a change, then I would need an angio. He also indicated that at some point they may be able to schedule them farther apart, although he has also told me that I have a higher chance of having another one pop up because of the location (basilar tip).

I feel for those that have to have the angios yearly - my fear is the radiation (and then there is that invasiveness also). I would definitely ask why the angio versus the MRA.


Hi Judi! The way I view this is that every Aneurysm or AVM is like a snowflake; there are no "two" alike and, therefore, your treatment/follow-up plan is one that is unique to You and You only --- how special are we :))! With that being said, if your medical team is recommending a follow-up Angio; my feeling is that they want to be as thorough as possible as this is considered the "Gold Standard" with monitoring these beasts that torpedo into our lives. Hope this helps and best wishes for ALL positive results for Your Angio in January! /Michele (a fellow Survivor :)

I'm having my first 6 month angiogram tomorrow morning after PED procedure at the end of February. My Neurosurgeon has prepared me that I may need another one at the one year mark, but it's more likely that I won't, in which case an MRA then, at 2 years out and then 5 years out. Crossing my grateful tootsies that this will be my first and last!

I had one after three months; then one year. Now, MRI in a year.

Thank you Judi. Everything is going well. I usually feel great, occasional headaches but nothing like "The Headache" that I experienced when it ruptured. Best wishes!

Hi Judi

In my experience I have had 2 MRI Angiogram scans in 18 months1and 2 MRI scans!

I have 5 aneurysms, 2 which have been coiled and stented last year, if they are stable my neurosurgeon and neuroradiologist recommends a MRI scan only once a year!

I am going for another MRI Angiogram scan on 20 October, however this one, just like the last one is done by injecting the dye into the arm and not the groin.

Either way, I have had no problems at all, whether done in the groin or the arm.

I would expect that if there is no change since your last one, then they will scan you every 12 months, however as these things vary in size and location, things may change.

Talk to your Specialist by email and ask him this question, he will be happy to tell you how often you need a scan or angiogram and this will then re-assure you.

Keep Well


Angiogram every six months for two years is what I have been told

I should have added that I have MRI and MRAs along with the femoral artery angiogram with contrast. Didn’t even know an MRA was an angiogram until I became over stimulated, was driven to Baptist and ER doc ordered an MRA. I’m very allergic to the contrast dye and tried to tell him I had forgot my inhaler lol.

I had an angiogram 6/2013, just went to my neurosurgeon for follow up thinking I would get another one done, but he said he’d rather not yet, too soon since last one. He sent me for an MRA. Although I haven’t had any clipped or coiled, that might be different. Be well, GB

Thanks for your question. I have had angiograms (1 or 2?) while in the hospital and one follow up a few months later. I have been told I have to have them yearly. So I want to follow this discussion. I am confused about MRA's and traditional angiography. I have not been offered an MRA as an option and wonder if I should pursue that with my neurosurgeon. I hate the risks of the angiograms. ( I have an 85% coil contained aneurysm). Blessings!

I get an angio every six months. They told me probably the rest of my life. I think it depends in the aneurysm and surgery you had.

Hello Lori! With an angio they can see the aneurysm from a 360 view rather than a 2d view with an MRA. It’s just more accurate. Although angiograms are very risky and scary. They are the better test to have done. I would ask about the MRA though as a annual follow up. It is less painful and risky. I have an angiogram once a year six months after a MRA. Hope that helped you somewhat. Blessings!

Hi Lori,

I've been told that the risk of angiogram is very low. Perhaps others have info about this as well?

Wishing you all the best.


i haven’t had one since 2009 when initially had my rupture, only mri is that bad?

Hey this is old! I’m closing it. Feel free to start another post.