Drug safety after rupture

I have read many conflicting reports about aspirin and fish oil in connection with aneurysms.

I had a ruptured cerebral aneurysm 18 years ago and I am wondering if it is safe to take fish oil supplements and/or aspirin. some reports say that it helps prevent rupture and some reports say that it can cause bleeding.

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Hey skippy! My two cents worth…aspirin is a blood thinner. My Neurosurgeon and Neurologist told me to limit NSAIDs due to my rupture. The Neurosurgeon also told me to stop taking fish oil, for the life of me, I can’t remember why. I don’t take NSAIDs because the neck of my aneurysm just didn’t want to close. I was on a low dose for my heart when I ruptured. I’ve only had coils with one balloon assist. Many of our members are on a daily aspirin regime. Talk to your doctor. If you decide to do aspirin, make sure the doc does the blood test for it so you don’t end up with aspirin toxicity.

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You need to do whatever your doctor recommends. Aspirin is considered dangerous these days, but they recommended one 325 mg per day for my wife who ruptured in 2011. It’s been working out well for her. So do whatever your doctor recommends. I myself had a stroke, and the ER doctor wanted to increase my low dose aspirin (from heart surgery earlier) to the 325, but the cardiologist wouldn’t have it, so I’m still on low dose.


The best advice, ask your doc.
I take baby aspirin 81 mg every day.
My aneurysm was huge.
Baby aspirin to prevent stroke
They have meeting about it
It is scary, but now it has been 28 month


Thank you for your help

my aneurysm was only 3mm and I have low blood pressure so nobody expected it to rupture but rupture it did. I was taking Gingko at the time of the rupture and didnt realise that Gingko can actually promote bleeding so I am very wary now of anything that enhances bleeding. The doctors at at odds as to what I can take and what I cant.

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I think it’s because the doctors abide by one of the two large studies, the one on ruptured and the unruptured study as well as their own experience.

I never understood the point of blood thinning Plavix/aspirin regiment for aneurysms that weren’t ruptured - seemed to be counterproductive? I guess with stents as treatments it made sense to use them once they were installed to prevent clotting. I was told to stay on low dose aspirin for life, but after finding out several years later I was iron deficient, I stopped the aspirin (with the blessing of the neurosurgeon) to see if it was part of the issue. Not sure if it was, but I did note that my headaches decreased a lot after stopping the aspirin. I was taking fish oil for years too, stopped for a time, went back on them, and might get off them again. I hadn’t considered them as being connected to blood thinning, yet I know they are. I will be more cognizant when I go off them again and see if the headaches are lessened even more.

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Mine ruptured 2007,I had coiling & have been on Aspirin ever since & have talked to my Neurosurgen regarding this he still wants me on it low dose 1 aday

Hey Cathy! Does any of your doctors do the blood work for aspirin toxicity? Mine never did through all the years I was taking it.

No they have not & nor have the mentioned it. But now you have mentioned it I will ask for a test I go again 7/9/20.Thank you for this information,i will post when I get the results.
Regards CATHY.

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I saw my Neurosurgen Dr last week & asked him about having a toxicity test because of taking Aspirin he said there was no need to. When I Nexted go to my GP I will ask her to do the blood tests as I will have a annual blood test. Regards Cathy

I think that’s a smart move Ms. Cathy! Sometimes, it’s our GP that does the important work. You might do a search on it and explain why you think it’s necessary. Show your GP what you find.