Dr. Recommendation


Hi Roseanne. I don’t see anything in your post. Maybe there was a glitch… Anyway, what are you looking for? What kind of doctor in which geographical area? I bet if you give us the specifics, you could get some decent recommendations.

Hi all I’m looking for a Dr. in the New York area I’m willing to go pretty far…I’ve been to 4 Dr. so far they all have different idea’s …I have 1 annie …some say treatment of coiling some say just watch it…not sure what to do?? please help…

Hi Roseanne

As it happens, I was living in Upstate New York when I had my aneurysm-rupture in 05. I had my surgery at Strong-Memorial-Hospital in Rochester, New York, a teaching hospital connected with the U of R. My neurosurgeon was Dr. Paul Maurer, a famous and highly skilled doctor who definitely saved my life. He is quite busy because people come from all across the country to be treated by him, but I’m sure he can fit you in. I cannot say enough good things about him. He is very straightforward - which I like… and he is also kind. Great combination. Should you decide to call him, tell him you got his name from me - we had a really nice connection. Here is his contact-info: Paul K. Maurer, 1401 Stone Rd, Suite 303, Rochester, NY 14615. Phone: 585-■■■■■■■■. Good luck!!

Hi Gabriele,

Thanks I’m going to call him maybe he can look at my tests, I’m going to call on monday, I’m on long island so it’s not so far.

Hi Roseanne,

I live in Greenwood In, just south of Indianapolis. I have the best neurologist and group in the world. They are out of Methodist Hospital and people come from all over to this group. It is called Goodman, Cambell Brain and Spine. Dr. Troy Payner and others did my first surgery. My second surgery will be done by Dr. Scott and Dr. Denardo who pioneered the coil procedure. Here is the web site http://www.ing.md/. Good Luck!

Roseanne, I was reading your post and saw you are on Long Island. I am also, was operated on at Stony Brook. I’m confused though by your posts…did all 4 doctors say you don’t have an aneurysm or just one??

hi the Dr.s first said i have 2 annies one behind my right eye and one in the back of my brain. then i went to dr whoo @ stony brook who wanted to do an angio and brain surgery on both one coiling one open surgery ,i had an mra & mri at that point went to Dr cheliff at north shore who said no way should you have a angio with out having a cat scan cta… so i had that he said he saw NO annies at all but wanted his partner to look so i went back to him Dr Sutton he said no Annie in my back of the brain but yes i do have one under the right eye about 4 to 5 mm he feels it is in a very low rupture area and we should wait and see in a year if it grows follow up with mra one year then my nuro said no way why wait have the angio done now i freaking out also on top of this my MRI saw white mater that says i may have Lyme or MS i have symptoms of both and also my left eye seems to be not following the right so i need to see a nuro eye Dr. i still have bad vertigo and headaches…help…

Kim Leveling said:

Roseanne, I was reading your post and saw you are on Long Island. I am also, was operated on at Stony Brook. I’m confused though by your posts…did all 4 doctors say you don’t have an aneurysm or just one??

Roseanne, Wow, talk about stress…not what you need right now. My heart goes out to you. My docs are in the same practice as Dr Woo, and I would not be here typing this if not for them…so I’m a little biased. My only advice would be to go with the doctor you feel most comfortable with, if it takes 5 opinions then that’s what it takes. Bring someone with you and paper and pen to write down what each one says. Also keep in mind you will need follow-up care and keeping close to home will make that much easier. We are very lucky to have access to the best doctors in NY, especially with a NS like Dr Woo who does both coiling and clipping. If they get in there and have to coil instead of clip or the other way around, he is able to repair it then, avoiding another procedure. I would listen to your neuro, why wait? Would a doctor like to walk around with an aneurysm for a year to see if it grows, I doubt it? You can get a lot of support here from others who are facing the same decision as you or have already been through it. I could not have gotten through this without them. Keep us posted and take care, Kim

Great comment, Kim! I totally agree. Since my aneurysm ruptured I’m scared for anyone who is being told “let’s wait and see…” I also was happy to have had a doctor who was well-versed in both coiling and clipping… and who later told my husband that the exact location of my aneurysm was so rare (right frontal lobe but high, up by the cingulate) that he used hand-written notes he had taken from a Swiss NS with whom he had recently had a professional interchange. It is a good thing to feel trust and comfort with the doctor you choose. I didn’t get to choose - it was just grace that I ended up with Dr. Maurer. If you do end up choosing a doctor out of town - like Dr. Maurer for instance - you can check out the rehab procedures beforehand. Rochester was 2 1/2 hours from Syracuse, where I lived at the time. But there was an inpatient rehab-hospital connected with the NS-ward at Strong Memorial, called St. Mary’s. It’s a GREAT place, because it specializes in brain-trauma, and the staff is sooo competent and kind. Especially with clipping, it’s very important to have competent after-care so your brain starts healing right away. Then, when you are ready to be released, you go back home and do outpatient rehab for a while. It can work this way. I liked the points Kim made, and whatever you choose, we’re all rooting for you here!!!

Well Thank you both!!! I’m faced with some work to do now…i’m going to go to a dr in nyc…so i’ll keep u guys posted.

Dr Murat Gunel - Yale New Haven Hospital in CT. I ruptured on Thanksgiving day 2009 and he clipped me the next day.

Hi Rosanne,

I would definitely get an angio just to be sure. The Dr.'s can get a much better look this way vs. an MRA/MRI or CT Scan. While an angio can seem invasive, all and all it is not so scary and you are in and out of the hospital the same day. This is a necessary step before any decision about surgery is made.

One good place to start looking for doctor referrals is The Brain Aneurysm Foundation Medical Advisory Board. You can view the entire board at http://www.bafound.org/about/ma_board.php All of the doctors listed are at the top of their field and specialize in brain aneurysms working at large teaching hospitals.

It makes sense to get a second opinion or even a third, but it can be very difficult too when opinions differ and you ultimately have to decide whose hands you feel most comfortable putting your life into.