Developing narcolepsy (10 months post surgery)

Hi friends,
I am 10 months post surgery, I had a bypass for unruptured aneurysm. I seem to be developing narcolepsy these past 2 weeks. I am having sudden attacks (not dizzy), it’s extreme fatigue, then it goes away after an hour. My limbs go heavy. I am also seeing lights now almost every night before I go to sleep. I had posted a few topics about seeing lights and dizziness, but now I think I have found the cause; narcolepsy. I am 43, healthy, and this is just way too weird. Has anyone else developed this after surgery??? Tx, Clare

Hey Trekhard,
Post neurosurgery I have had MANY unexplained symptoms from localised numbness, tingles, lights/visual disturbances, dizziness, confusion, etc, etc. I’ve seen more dr’s than I can count on my fingers (and toes) and to put it mildly, I’ve given up on dr’s having the answers. They all seem to have their own opinions and none of them seem to line up. One dr may have given a diagnosis for symptom ‘x’ but has no diagnosis for symptom ‘y’, but in my opinion, symptom ‘x’ and ‘y’ are related and not two separate issues. I seem to be unable to obtain a diagnosis that covers all of my symptoms (Some dr’s LOVE to label it all as psych. That’s the easiest answer for them). I have looked through ‘Dr Google’ but it can all be so overwhelming. I have attended a sleep clinic, where you stay overnight, wired to a machine and they monitor your sleep pattern for any abnormalities. The only answer I was given was “Well, you do have a brain injury… …maybe that’s what it is” Jeez, and these people go to university to tell me the obvious??? This is partly why I’ve given up on the dr’s.
BUT- In saying that maybe a sleep clinic could be of assistance in obtaining a medical diagnosis for you, even if that diagnosis is negative for narcolepsy, at the very least it would be one less question for you.

Merl from the Moderator Support Team

Thanks Merl. That’s how i feel as well. We still have a long way to go in medicine. We are our own best advocates for sure.