
My husband had clipping surgery a little over two months ago after his previous coiling failed, i am concerned that even though he is doing great back to work lately he seems to be more and more forgetful. even after his rupture he didnt seem to have problems in this area and now after surgery it seems to be getting worse by the week. hes a very put together person organized and plans everything to a t he has lost car keys twice in two days and locked a set in the car. Im sure after all hes been thru this doesnt seem all that strange but for him its very out of the ordinary, as if his recovery is regressing?! any input would be helpful if anyone else has gone thru this, is it a normal part of the healing process and im over reacting?

Hi Megan...I donot think he is regressing...however, I do think you should consult with the Neurologist about the memory Sue said, (and I agree) he is early in the Journey healing...and it could be he is extremely tired with his brain having to heal and he is working too boot...

Please keep us posted...Gotcha in my Thoughts ~ Colleen

Hi Megan

I agree with the other comments below. Some meds can cause problems with memory, especially statins, so it may not be related to his Annie if he’s also being treated for high cholesterol. Please check with your doctors.


Hi Elke,

I'm going to borrow your trick. I'm always concerned that I didn't close the garage door. Since it faces ta pretty busy street, it is really important that I do so. So, having another tool in my toolkit to help me remember will help. Maybe something like, "I've closed the garage door, this I know because if I hadn't I would not go!" :-)

Memory issues that go with the annies, I have to also contend with those that come with getting older and years of trying to multitask. :-)


Thanks for the input from everyone we will speak to his dr and i will try to worry less sometimes i think i worry way more than he does because its harder for him to see the differences it may just come down to the fact that he needs to see that as well as he is doing he needs to slow down and realize hes going to have some limitations which i think it hard for him to accept and maybe things will be easier


Call his neurosurgeon's office...ask...about a check-up, any therapies to help, and about having neuropsych testing to monitor the forgetfulness / memory stuff...

Those little keys may seem incidental; however, those types of issues are a problem...I was coiled but can write a book or more on issues...

Please call his neuro office...track the dates /times / monitor the change...including the improvements... Also, with your husband being so organized, etc...does he have a manager that he can ask about any visible changes in his activity at work...

Prayers for your best response from your neuro...


Hi Pat, Megan,

I’d be reluctant to get his manager involved lest seeds of doubt be sown. However, I would encourage Megan’s husband to listen carefully to any feedback that he is given in the normal course of business and note when he has to " redo" work either because it was not completed fully or because there is a lower quality.

Please keep in mind that the stress of returning to work may cause the mind to “play tricks”.

Sending prayers for all to be well.


thats a great idea he has a great relationship with his boss so i will suggest this to him as well as we will be speaking to the neurosurgeon about his forgetfulness as of late, thanks for the suggestions we will monitor him closely and hopefully things will balance out more with time.

Colleen, when my sis/b-i-l took me in apx 90 days post-d/c for neuropsych is noted in the formal story format, that my sis told him I had declined since discharge...

Elke-that's a riot-because i did the same thing with my coumadin, could never remember at bedtime if i had taken it at lunch but i used song lyrics like monday, monday but i would customize it & next line would be i LOVE that day instead of hate!(mommas &the pappas song i think!! Tuesday afternoon-had to impovise for some days since i didnt know any song-wednessday & thursday had no tune so wed. was "hump"day and thursday was thirsty thursday from a radio ad. Megan i hope your husband improves & will keep you all in my thoughts & prayers

hi Megan,Pat and all-Pat you gave me a website a while back with memory exercises that i thought was good-ty-it was but unfortunetly you need good eyesight to do them-i have a black curtain over the left side of each pupil but thankyou for the effort,maybe these would help him,hey i recalled the website!!!!maybe my memory is better! oh yeah and Megan some people just can't do the key thing my sister being one of them but in her defense she is a single mom struggling with divorce and raising 5 boys,taking care of me & our mother who is in the hospital with a fractured hip,i also had a friend who i grew up with-straight a student,could build furniture from memory but lost his keys every day! i personally can only do one thing at a time but i was SAH with a 5 day coma, hope this helps. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and no not overreacting just concerned acting!

i checked the positscience web site & it said 50% off so i guess its no longer free or i got a freebee!also when i was in therapy they would play games like "concentration" card gamesand boggle

i was like that before my rupture but i thought it was just me, check it out.