Await a clipping

I have a Left ICA. Have scheduled a clipping in June at Johns Hopkins. The clipping seems to be the way to go.

It seems like the odds are good that I will be ok but I am still scared.

Anyone have any experience with this? I have total confidence in the surgeon but I am afraid something will happen?

What could happen and how bad would it be with this paticular type of aneursym and a clipping?

Hi Martha...You have every right to be scared...and it is my neuro said to me..."if you aren't a bit scared, something would be wrong..." perhaps Doctors can give you something to help keep you calm until surgery...

Everyone and Every Surgery is different...I had a Leaky unruptured 9mm basilar tip annie...It was coiled in November of 2010...coiling went well...but had other problems due to bleeds from meds and me with other health issues...but problems really had nothing to do with the coils...

Hang in there....try and keep it positive...and know that it will take time to heal...and lots of rest...prepare now...and believe me it will work out...You will get alot of this site...!

Gotcha in my Thoughts and Prayers...Colleen


Your clipping needs to happen. Newer techniques significantly improve surgical outcomes. It will be important to make sure you are proactive prior to surgery to protect you and your family.

For those having this surgery, I would strongly recommend that you make the following arrangements and documents because you can't do it afterwards. They include: a power of attorney naming someone you trust, a medical power of attorney, and even a will. This is not to alarm you at all but to put your mind at ease. We had to scramble to get these documents when my wife had emergency clipping surgery and I don't recommend this approach. You have the luxury of time to get these documents in place. I believe you will do well but make sure that you are protected. God Bless!

I can tell you I was very unknowledgeable when I had my surgery . I knew the odds were god or my doctor. Its something we cant control. I can tell you I was out of the hospital in two days on wall mart on the third day. A little shaky but I was out. I really didn't experience any pain because once all the nerves are cut you don't feel much. I found cutting the jaw muscle was and still hard to use. We have the usually dents ects that goes along with that type of surgery. Its alright to be scared that's why this foundation is so great to help every one . You will get support and answers to your questions for many more years to go.

Wish you the best you have alot of friends here. Thinking of you . Sue

That is good advice. I just got all that done during the last month including making funeral arrangements. So I am ready for whatever happens.


You want to know the best experiences you can find with this type of surgery is "POSITIVE THINKING"!

Everyone is scared it's all apart of the process as well as human nature. The chances of everything going good is 95% today. We have greater risks driving on the road today. Talk with your doctor about all the risks and all your concerns. Like Colleen said every surgery and every person is different...

My thoughts and prayers are with you...


Martha, prayers are surrounding you...

I know several who have had clips, some as many 20+ years ago and who have done just wonderfully.

With the profound reputation of Johns Hopkins, I presume they explained everything in detail. If not, ask again...

Yes, we can be scared...quite normally so...

Prayers suround you.


Please try to give yourself hope. The arragements are all for security reasons. I had the attorney deeds ready to go, etc. Because I own my home its different. I never gave it thought about a funeral argements. I went in day after christmas the hardest time was writing good by to my daughters incase I didn't make it. I never shed a tear all the way to Boston, got dressed still held strong, until the artial interveous got me. Please keep looking with your head up and believe me there is a army of people praying for you. Hold on. Thinking of you.Will be in Marsfield for the walk /run Sunday I should say in a few hours will bw thinking about you. Sue

I've been reading how you feel and I can certainly sympathize with you , just like the rest of them. I had my middle cerebral artery annie clipped Feb. 3rd of this year. I wasn't given an option of whether to clip or coil , it had to be clipped. The surgery went well. I recovered well but even now 4 months later, Im still recovering. My surgeon has told me under no uncertain terms, this takes a good year to recover from. The only thing I wasn't prepared for was the after affects. Memory, speech, emotional rollercoaster, quick to anger and other things. These things I deal with but they are particularily bad when I'm tired. I thought I could go and do a 22 km bike ride last sunday. Well, I did it..I also suffered for days and days after. I think we're all still learning as we go, no matter how far into recovery we are.

Good luck and you'll come through surgery just fine!! Positive thinking got me through and then , rest and rest some more. Don't over do it. Just be aware, (which I wasn't) that there will be damage, you can't possibly have this kind of surgery without receiving some sort of brain damage. Again though, work through it and be accepting. This is what I've found to be the most difficult part of my journey.

Hugs and best wishes Martha!!


I was just thinking about you Martha and wondered how you were doing these last few days? I remember so well the turmoil following diagnosis and then prior to surgery. If you want to talk at all, please don't hesitate to email me.


Ed...just imagine if newer techniques had not arrived for pilots...and astronauts...

I am so pleased you have addressed legal issues here during/for care...I had my will and Living Will (a/k/a avance directive) since I was very young...did not have a PofA...

This gets emotionally involved here...

Perhaps we could set up a Group site w/this all can be terrifying and, yet, comforting, in how to make decisions...and, to know who will make these decisions during our incompetency/disability... There is so much to share here...i.e. personal/related issues...

Martha, I am scheduled to have a right AChA clipping next month, and I am scared out of my mind. Not a day goes by that I don't think of what lies ahead of me, as well as the possibilities. I had a rupture in December which was coiled but the annie has returned and must be clipped this time. I think that if we were not scared THAT would be abnormal. At the moment I don't have any words of wisdom or even comfort to offer, all I can do is tell you that I know how it feels.

Hi Martha, was thinking of you today and a big smile came across my face, hopefully you were having a good day!!! Hugggsssss and prayers to you , Julie in Delaware

Matha, Johns Hopkins is an amazing institution, and you are in the best hands. I got my coilings there, and i am forever grateful for the surgeons and staffs there. Prayers and healing thoughts go to you…

It is Normal to be scared...

Keep thinking some positive thoughts this will help .... and sweetie...know that it is along journey and ok to heal for a long time...

Cyber ~ Thoughts and prayers your way...Colleen

Wow, I was out of the hospital in a few days. Wasn't ready to be making a 3 hr drive though. My surgeon wanted me out asap because he didn't want any chance of infection setting in. I certainly wasn't at Walmart on the 3rd day, I was just getting home but OMG...that's incredible Sue. Good for you!