Angiogram results

yesterday got my angiogram results.they found traces of blood in both coils.he then gave me three options.1/leave them alone.2/fill them in with a four hour operation and 5-6 chance of having a stroke.3/Wait another year have another scan and angiogram to see if they have got any worse. Have any of you been in this situation, if so what did you do?graham.

Yes Graham...I have been and continue to be in this situation...My coiling was 3 years ago...(12/2010)...My Follow up angiograms were at 1 month, 6 month, 18 month and now again this year...

The coils have compacted and blood is feeding the annie...I wanted to know 2 years ago why my surgeons were not going to add coils...they told me too much trauma had occurred to date (my parent vessel was accidentally cut) along with my coils...anyways...they wanted to wait 2 years do this angio and then make decisions. They are hoping that it will have occluded by now...

I will tell you when I get my results this time...I will get a 2nd opinion...~Prayers on you making a decision...this can be so hard...~ Colleen

Hello Graham,

Yeah I can see how this would be a dillema....Are you currently having any indications that they're not occluded, like having head pains or headaches, etc. ?

Mine compacted after 3 years, I was one of the rarities who had no follow up after having my coils placed....(I didn't even know I was to get followup angiograms or any type of scans for that matter--not the best of medical care as you might've guessed) but mine let me know a in big way that I needed something done right away (like have more coils added or get a clipping) so in my case it was a 'no brainer' (pardon the pun) to get something done ! (I went the rourte of a clipping as I didn't appreciate my world being interrupted by the coils) and by saying i was interrupted, well, the pain was suddenly excruciating in my head -- just like it had been right before my Sah put me into a 6 week coma 3 years earlier, so..keep getting your scans/follow ups if you do nothing else right now, but keep in mind something will likely need to be done eventually (like have more coils added)..Take care Graham, Peace, Janet