Since my Clipping Surgery (that saved my life) i have been so angry. I used to be a VERY greatful person. I am the worlds UNGRATEFUL person since Surgery. I dont even know this new person i have become.
Why an i so darn angry? And why am i not greatful that we found my aneurysm BEFORE it ruptured (that could have taken my life)???
Hi @MamaKim
Welcome to BAF support!
Your emotions, your patience, your anger will be related to the parts of your brain that have been battered by your stroke and your surgery.
I think my main thought is to tell you that you’re very early in your recovery and you shouldn’t judge yourself for how you’re doing. Honestly, you’ve been through a lot and messing with people’s brains takes a long time to recover from (even if we look ok on the outside; in fact, I think it takes even longer when we look ok on the outside). Recovery is something you should think of in terms of months rather than days or weeks. So I really think you can chill as much as possible and I’d hope that much of what you’re going through will fade.
Very best wishes,
Thank you so much Richard!!!
Hello @MamaKim
I second the answer from @DickD
It’s only a few days since you had your surgery and it takes time to recover. A long time .
When I ruptured, I got coils in my aneurysm and I didn’t have any open surgery as you have had. My husband compared weeks and months of my recovery, something I couldn’t see myself. I was just complaining that I was tired and easily exhausted by too much sensory stimulation. My neurosurgeon told me that the brain heals mainly during the first year but it doesn’t stop there. We are all unique and have different outcomes but for me it took about three months to get back to “almost normal “. My primary care physician told me that it is common to be depressed after something like this and he said that he was there for me if I needed help.
Take your time to heal, and reach out to your doctor if your feelings continue. I’m sure your healthcare provider will guide you through this.
All the best to you.
Thank you so much.
Yes. I experienced this sometimes and still do, but less often. It’sbeen almost 4 years since my subarachnoid hemorrhage. Early on, it felt like my emotional life was out of my control. I was embarrassed and sad when ever I exploded. It’s gotten better with a combination of therapy, time and learning what makes it worsen. And a growing acceptance of the new normal. It was and is a fits and starts process. I started by letting people know when I felt unstable. I took time out to ground myself and ride the wave. I still do this sometimes. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s so scary and maddening to have your emotions be foreign to you all of a sudden.
I’m currently doing the online Noom Mood program. It’s helped me aquire new tools for when the bottom feels like it’s dropping out. There are probably other DBT/CBT programs out there that would hell. Hang in there and be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself. People have no idea what it’s like to be handed a completely different set of emotions and resulting outlook on life. You’re miles ahead just by knowing something is up. Some people are not fortunate enough to have insight that something has changed. I’m glad you reached out with this issue.
@MamaKim my Dad had a few ischemic strokes with numerous TIA’s. I went with him to one of his appointments with a Cardiologist and the NP he had that specializes in strokes and apparently is pretty famous in the USA for her work told us that TIA’s can often do more damage than a full blown ischemic stroke as they can stop neurotransmitters from being on the right path. My guess, and I’m not a medical expert, is with your TIA and then the invasive craniotomy, your message highways have been blocked and need to find a new road to take.
Give yourself time as has been suggested. Make sure you are staying appropriately hydrated as your brain needs this and protein and rest. Maybe take one hour at a time and then one day at a time. Try to find a positive as often as you can. Right now, the storm that scared one of our dogs to Hades and back again has stopped, sun is shining, cool breeze crossing the patio and the toad is liking it and the music we are playing😂
I believe it is about emotion and mental side
I couldn’t do anything, walking, eating. Swallowing, speaking and only my eyes opened. I had to get physical therapy, speech therapy, etc
What did you expect from this situation? Thank God. I felt numb, not have a feeling. Just do what I could do, they gave me setraline do i could move forward without anxiety
So I think your parts was about not expecting and not get used to with you are now. Accepting, learning a new things, adjusting your like will help