
Has anyone got swelled hands after surgery?

Not from the surgery itself. Is it possible that it was medication you might have been on afterwards, which might have caused an allergic reaction?

Not from surgery but from High blood pressure.

Swollen hands and feet - but from HBP - don't think it is related to the surgery

My BP always fine I'm sure Il be fine soon

Yes and now my feet. BP excellent

Not swollen - what I have is very stiff finger joints, weakness and inability to completely straighten the fingers on my right hand (I'm left-handed), apparently because my hands were tightly clenched into fists all the time I was in a coma - anybody else?

me too sally but i dont think its from clenching, i think its from the damaging effects of a sah, whole left side is shot, im going to pt now for broken hand and frozen shoulder, i am 6 yrs post sah comatized 6 days

Hello Sister, I was diagnosed with neuropathy in both my two feet and I am not diabetic. Be encouraged and please know that this is a process of courage and patient. Please keep a journal, because you will be able to encourage someone else on your journey that will need to hear how you made it. For me personally, I have chosen the holistic route and it is working for me. I choose to purchase superfoods that are high in the nutrient and vitamins my body needs. It might be nerve damage or just poor blood circulation. My aneurysm ruptured in January of this year, I was hemmoraghing of hours, it truly is a MIRACLE that I am here. I came across a product called NerveRenew and I have been taking it for a almost three weeks and I have noticeable significant relief in my feet. The burning, the numbness is subsiding and I can walk comfortably. I have been able to in months and it was getting progressively worse. So guess what I got aggressive with finding answers and I did! It is natural and contains B1, B12 and R-alpha Lipotic acid. You can look it up on line and pray about it. You have nothing to lose but ALL to gain. Bless you Sister and keep your head heal from this point on!

wow!! victorious - i will ask nuerologist about Nerverenew, if this helps me a smidgeon i will be eternally greatful!~ Please consider writing a discussion about this cure where many will see it, Im already taking b vitamins tho, not sure what r alpha lipotic acid is but it sounds like something that might agravate gout??- i will research and ask dr, i am 6 yrs post grade 5 sah and permanently disabled btw, tc xoxo

Than you tonk and victorious,I must look into this

Eileen...what have your doctors diagnosed, explained and advised ?

I am beginning my 12th year of is a long story... I posted only one procedure in my 11th anniversary. I sat here and wrote a lot...and, deleted it...for now.

Except...I had/have the mild swelling in my left ankle...which of memory began after my last angio f/u 18 months after the initial...I was, of record, coiled for a left-side aneurysm.

Hope you will let us know your results (responses?) from your neuro-docs...

Wishing you the best recovery.

ronk said:

me too sally but i dont think its from clenching, i think its from the damaging effects of a sah, whole left side is shot, im going to pt now for broken hand and frozen shoulder, i am 6 yrs post sah comatized 6 days

On same meds as before surgrey I know my body,I know when it's fighting against me I wish I was myself 2 yr ago but I'm not

Yes, and still do, but that might be from another matter,who knows

I’ve had so many ivs and blood work for different reasons. Mainly seizures and damage to my body. I wish i could get my life back 5 years ago. But was diagnosed with 4 anuresyms and this July on the 20th my birthday was told i now have 8. My life has definitely changed.