Aneurysm symptoms but no bleeding?

Can a person come down with a severe headache razor sharp jabbing pulsating headache, hot flushes right side brain, right side face numb, blurry vision right eye, and get a MRI w/ contrast 5 weeks later and shows nothing nor any bleeding?

Thank you for your thoughts.


My MRI was normal, and on the same day my MRA w/ contrast showed my aneurysms (unruptured).


Anything is possible...

I had my first black-out (syncope), fractured my right humerus shoulder...A friend insised I seek testing beyond the emergency...Did, and an EEG presumably showed I had no failures...

I had two more emergencies in 29 days before a Board Certified emergency md did a basic CT w/o the potentially harmful contrast dye...clearly showed I had a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Records following this, note both that the blood was < and > (less than, greater than) two weeks old... The PCP who scheduled the EEG did no more testing before the next two emegencies...My one follow-up w/that PCP was the day before my second emergency. I have limited confidence in health least what is available in my area...

I wish I could give more positive experience...I can only say, beg, plead, that you find a qualified, caring PCP and do appropriate testing. There are variations in the MRI equipment /size...which is noted on the card-to-carry for stents and/or coiled...when the neuro-md provides the card-to-carry...

If you tell us your city/state, we may have recommendations for quality care...and what to avoid...

Prayers to you...and, wishes for a warm, healthy, happy July 4th...

Thanks a lot for replys. I'm going to go out of pocket for MRA. I live Boca Raton, FL. I went to signet diagnostic in Coral Springs, FL for MRI w/contrast.

I went to two neuro and both say the "thought" is in my head i got an aneurysm. Another guy, one of the most reputable say my seratonin is not working properly and that is why I got dull headache everyday every minute. I'm not happy with his analysis. I feel if low seratonin is the case then slowly a headache will progress untill it's just there everyday. For me I got a worse headache of my life, and everyday afterI got a dull headache in the same spot right side my brain. The same dull headache pulses slowly when I cough and move bowel. When I think think think about an aneurysm i get a anxiety/stress headache the back of my head.

I had a psychotic episode for 2 week or so when the headache happen and a ton of stress that caused the episode in the first place. My heart was flying in intervals of panic to the point my heart felt like it was being slammed every beat. And in the episode at the end I was slamming racing thoughts out of my mind. I remembered a immediate onset of the worse headache ever. truthfully on a pain scale 1-10 it was say a 6 for me. That said I have had 2 knee surgery in the past and was walking 2 hrs after each time w/ no help. hey, i wanted to go publix to make my favorite pasta w/ chicken! anways, im sick of worrying about my annie. i will get an mra and go from there.

i come to the realization something is pretty wrong in right side brain right now, simple fix maybe, we'll see. I'm realizing I can't continue worrying, rather just live, stay jogging, intimate, and so on to I collapse, literally.

I'll see your reply on some places around me.
