9mm Aneurysm waiting for flow surgery

I was diagnosed a month for flow control for 9mm x 7mm aneurysm 3 inches deep
upper sinus behind left eye. My blood pressure was 220/140 in emergency room after visit with neurosurgeon for surgery appt. I have flow control surgery on Aug.24 but I am afraid it will bleed before then. Luckily it did not bleed due to blood pressure. Is anyone else having problem with blood pressure? I have read that there can be after effects. Anyone had side effects from groin surgery? Thank you.


My blood pressure has always been the hypersensitive at 130/70. Unfortunately, after my rupture (VA/PICA 10mm x 8mm), I have high blood pressure. Sometimes, it will go as high as 180/120. So, currently, I am on BP medicine. (Hyzaar and Amlodinpine as optional). It keeps my BP somewhat in control but I need to take Amlodipine as optional when it does not go down. It is good that it is caught and you are under hospital care so they can control the BP. A fellow survivor of aneurysm rupture had extremely high BP like your case. They had to do emergency procedure to save his life

For the endovascular procedure, it left a bruise in the groin area but no complications. It healed within a week.

My blood pressure went up for the first time in my life before I was diagnosed with the ICA aneurysm. And then BP went back to normal a few months after the first stent. I’m convinced the BP increase was related to the aneurysm.

I had my surgery on Fri. Aug. 24 on my 9mm aneurysm in which the pipeline/stint unit was placed. Had an extremely hard time coming to after surgery along with high blood pressure. Still have to watch my blood pressure extremely closely. I have a nagging fear that the aneurysm might still rupture thru a stupid move of mu own. I suffer from migraines , but hope the surgery would help. Right now I am grateful, but extremely unsettled and nervous from it still being in there. How long does it take to disappear? I am covered in massive bruised and swellings. I must be on 3 blood thinners too. How does one just live for moment with this is your head. If you can explain the depression,hypertension and how to cope I would appreciate any advice. Thank You