6 November 2023

You’re correct, I missed yesterday. The clocks turned back, I woke up an hour earlier instead of an hour later. Seriously, who wants to get up at 0315, if they’re not working with only a couple hours of sleep. So off my routine all day and it was a very busy day starting at 0630.

I did learn something yesterday that I wanted to share with y’all…if you keep bandaids in your vehicle like I have to do, make sure to replenish them. I was bleeding all over the place, cleaned the wound with what I had on hand, put a band aide that had been transferred from the old truck to the new one. Wouldn’t you know it, the sticky part wasn’t very sticky! There wasn’t any type of tape around so there you have it, blood dripping everywhere until it finally coagulated. Did you know that wasps are attracted to blood? I’ve got to clean my glove with hydrogen peroxide since I put it on to stop the wasps from flying to the little itty bitty rip. So I now have a reminder in my calendar to change them out every six months since I have no idea how long they last in a vehicle that gets so hot in the warm months and so cold in the winter.

I do have some great news to share! My little tractor and all its implements are here at the new place! Dr Tye said he wanted to see what I had so he would know if we needed to borrow a bigger trailer. He came over and wouldn’t you know it that old farm boy had everything packed on my utility trailer and his equipment trailer. We got home just before the sun was setting. That was a very good thing since I can’t drive at night anymore because of my rupture. Dr Tye finished unloading in the dark, Aunt Dr Kim brought over dinner! I did get fussed at by both, Dr Tye kept telling me to let him do things when we were loading and unloading and Aunt Dr Kim got on me when I took Ohana in to see her the next day. She wanted to know why I didn’t have her look at it when she was at the house. What can I say, the clinic has been extremely busy and they’re short handed. The growth in Ohana can wait until April to be removed but Nina has to have a melanoma removed this month as it’s between her toes and there isn’t much skin there to cover it back up. When I took Nina in last month, I told Sandy that Nina smelled like cancer. They aren’t surprised after 30 years when I notice odd things like that and sure enough she has it. But melanomas in dogs aren’t like in people apparently as I was told not to worry it wouldn’t go to her organs. I never worry about my own health, I always get concerned about others though.

I need to ramble about our newest members, so let’s get to it! Starting this week off with @VickyL who is in the UK, Lancashire had an SAH just this 28 September. Vicky made it home in short time on the 5th of October and is struggling with headaches. We certainly know about those migraines! Vicky shares she is a creative person, married and has 2 grown daughters. Welcome Vicky!

@Tawny is in the USA up in Wisconsin. Tawny had a craniotomy for an unruptured MCA aneurysm, a large one. But the day before she received that news she learned she had an aggressive form of breast cancer. The teams conferred she had to get the cancer treated before the aneurysm. She’s been through chemo, double mastectomy and another round of chemo. She got a break from all the chemo to get the clip installed just this September. Tawny is not only an amazing fighter, she has a lot of interests, gardening, landscaping, animals, drawing and adult coloring with Prismacolor pencils (love all that myself) her children and grandchildren. Unfortunately she lost her oldest child, Annie back in 2016 and is still trying to find a way to live without her. Annie was only 35 at the time and Tawny shares Annie was the most intelligent person she has ever known with an unrivaled dry wit. Hang in there Tawny and come talk to us.

@DeeDee56 Is in Texas. She also had a craniotomy for 2 aneurysms which took an amazing 11 hours! Surgeries are long aren’t they? She shares her head now has several lumps and bumps and she’s constantly hearing clicking noises. DeeDee has joined so she can interact with others to see if they’ve experienced the same thing post surgery. Start a new topic under the General tab Ms. DeeDee, we e got a number of members who have had craniotomy procedures. I’m sure they can help you out!

@bkco Is in Ohio and she unfortunately has lost both her parents to aneurysms. She’s a wife and mother to two young boys. She also enjoys crocheting and knitting. Please reach out to us whenever you need.

@KTP is in Michigan and has just received her diagnosis a week ago. It was found incidentally by the ER and she’s overwhelmed by the news. We have lots of incidental finds and know a trick or two to help with those feelings Kathy, just start a new topic under General and we can reply with the skills we’ve all had to learn.

To finish up the welcomes this week we have @gst who is in New Jersey George has an 82 year old Aunt who was diagnosed whilst visiting her home country. The doctor recommended coiling but she has other issues and is wondering if surgical route is the way to go. As with other new members, please start a new topic under the General tab. I’m pretty sure we can share our opinions and thoughts, it’s definitely not an easy decision.

That’s the line up for this week y’all! Remember to check those bandaids (plasters) if you’ve left them in the glove compartment. Have a great week!


Thanks for the welcome! Hope I’m typing this in the right place. I didn’t write my “story” so clearly so have amended it - I didn’t get back home from the hospital until 18th October - still pretty quick (looking at it from this distance anyway!) I waited a week to get the coil because my first visit to A&E I was sent home with a packet of anti sickness pills and some ibuprofen. When I didn’t improve over the weekend I made a doctors appointment and was advised to go back to the hospital where I waited all day and luckily was given a scan - I nearly got sent home again without but I must have said the right thing or looked really desperate because I really was after sitting in the waiting room all day. Once I’d been scanned I was put somewhere more comfortable until I could get on a ward, then I stayed overnight and most of the following day whilst they arranged for a transfer to another hospital. So by the time I was operated on I’d had the haemorrhage for a week.

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Dang, that’s an amazing story of staying alive! I’m happy you made it and found us!

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good job I had no idea how serious it all was at the time! Glad I made it an found this group too :grinning:

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If you wanted to share your revised story with Ben’s Friends, don’t forget to email it to them!

I only just saw that post, I will take another look

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