4yr Annie-versary

02/09/16 marked my 4yr Annie-versary of my sah. I had coiling on the ruptured aneurysm and on the unruptured one that was also discovered. I had to have additional surgery to get the blood from my optic nerves ( I had been temporarily blind). Also had some additional coils added. I developed cataracts and had cataract surgery. Overall I’m in pretty good shape. I’ve been back at work full time for 3 yrs. I drive and take a girls trip with my best friend every summer. Life is good and I’m thankful to be here to enjoy it. I do have some short term memory issues and have intermittent vertigo. I have a good outlook. Need more coils…fine it’s like a 50,000 mile checkup on the car, forgot what I was working on when I left my desk… Sticky notes are a godsend. At 60 yrs old I have also decided not everything is worth remembering. I am thankful for this site. No one understands you unless they’ve been through it,too. There has been encouragement and understanding from all. Sending good thoughts to all. Hope everyone has a good, blessed day. - Myra

Congrats on your 4 year annie-versary! I too feel that it's difficult to understand if one hasn't had treatment for an aneurysm, whether ruptured or not. Continued good thoughts for you on your "50,000 mile check up"!

Thank you! My next visit is in May. I have had a vertigo spell in 7 mos. longest I’ve gone since the rupture. I am so 4xcited.

Mary J said:

Congrats on your 4 year annie-versary! I too feel that it’s difficult to understand if one hasn’t had treatment for an aneurysm, whether ruptured or not. Continued good thoughts for you on your “50,000 mile check up”!

Congratulations Myra! What a wonderful attitude. I’m laughing so hard on “not everything is worth remembering”…And a great idea to do a trip with best friends!

I have always been a glass half full kind of person. The aneurysm didn’t change that. I am very grateful and know how fortunate I am. I think my attitude helped me heal as quickly as I did. I also have a twisted sense of humor. That helps as much as anything.

Moltroub said:

Congratulations Myra! What a wonderful attitude. I’m laughing so hard on “not everything is worth remembering”…And a great idea to do a trip with best friends!

Myra, congrats! You have a great outlook on life and living with this process! My memory is awful, so I like your suggestions/adaptations, Anafa

Thank you! I have also become the "sticky note" queen. If I get up from my desk at work I leave a note so i'll remember what I was working on when I return. I carry a pack of them in my purse all the time. it really does help.

I had a supervisor once that left sticky notes on everything, many, many sticky notes. We would get him some of those more endearing comment ones, just to get a laugh and a break from the yellow…