Hi everyone…it’s been a really long time since I posted. I’ve been thinking about this community and decided I’m ready to share.
I am 2 years out from my surgery. I had my annual MRA done 2 weeks ago. I have my appointment with my neurosurgeon on 2/10. I decided to read my results before my appointment and I’m no doctor and may have interpreted the findings wrong, but it’s showing that there’s a new signal showing where possiblely an aneurysm might be forming…I’m not sure inread it correctly, but I had a complete melt down. I don’t want my life to be constantly worrying I’ll have another aneurysm. It just brought up all the feelings from two years ago and how I didn’t think this was going to be my life, my story. I gave myself one day to really wallow in it, then decided I’m setting it aside until my appointment. One thing I’ve learned through all of this is that I can’t worry about the things I don’t have control over.
I’ll add an update when I have my appointment and find out more. If she says it’s nothing to worry about…I will set it aside and not worry.
I hoping you read it incorrectly. If not I’m glad they caught it earlier rather than later. But my first thought was “that sucks”. When we try to interpret a radiologist’s findings I have found I can be wrong and one time the radiologist was wrong and yet another who couldn’t make a final decision until he had the previous findings. Yes ma’am, I went off about that one
. The one time the Radiologist finding was wrong, they had put in someone else’s findings and my doc wasn’t happy. She also had me promise I wouldn’t look at the findings until we talked. That has worked out the best for me. Sometimes the findings have led her to go back in on a diagnostic angiogram just to really see what’s going on. My ruptured aneurysm has never stayed fully occluded but I have the same as you, don’t worry about things I cannot control.
I think it’s great you gave yourself time to have a melt down. To me acknowledging that it is what it is and moving on is the healthiest thing I can do overall. It’s the same to me as falling off a horse, taking a hard landing, catching my breath and getting back on. Please remember we are always here for you. Thank you for letting us know you’ll update us, I will definitely keep you in my thoughts.
Thank you Moltroub! You always have great insight and advice to share and I’m always very grateful for it! Yikes! Oh my gosh, well glad it’s not just me. I would be so mad if they said they couldn’t interpret it. I agree, I know this for next time - I am NOT going to read the results until I have a meeting with my doctor in the future.
I’m sorry to hear about your aneurysm. That must be so scary when you think about it, but also, I completely get that. We can’t reach into our heads and change anything. It’s going to be what it is.
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Ah Kate, I’m brain damaged so I rarely think…about my aneurysm😂. All joking aside, I really don’t give it much time, I’ve got other things in life that I want to focus on. If I’m having a bad brain day, I allow myself about 15 minutes to dwell on it. Those are the days I have issues on focusing and remembering anything. If I’m having good days, well it’s the last thing that comes to mind. I try to start out every morning and ending my day with positives. The hardest thing I’m trying to overcome as my shoulder continues to heal is BH telling me I’m not 20 anymore. I just can’t keep that in my head so it takes me a day or two to realize I probably shouldn’t have done something.
Hi @Kmanstof -
I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and sending many healing thoughts and energy to you, as you wait for your radiology appointment. What a long time to wait in between your MRA and your follow-up, but with your WONDERFUL attitude, I know you are going to be FANTASTIC! 
I just wanted to say how grateful I am that you made this post: I really appreciate your reminder to allow yourself time to grieve any latest development, while at the same time, reminding us not to worry about things outside our control. I think we have all learned there is a whole lot in our bodies and our lives we cannot control - so much better to be grateful and live in each moment!
Just to explain why it was so helpful to me personally, waiting for me in my medical record are the results from my latest CTA, which will show at what stage of life “Elmer” (my annie) is in (hopefully dead and abolished, but I will also take slowly being strangulated as another option
)! You inspired me to NOT look at the results (this weekend’s plans), but to wait for my neuroradiologist to read the results, and just enjoy each moment today for what it is. So, thanks to you for inspiring me (and certainly others as well)! Keep on with all those good breathing exercises in the meantime - you are doing GREAT!
Please do keep us posted after your appointment, and be sure to let us know if we can help support you beforehand. I will be thinking of you and sending
and prayers your way!
Fin Whale Fan 
You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
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