2 more days til eye surgery

I am looking forward to having the cataract surgery. Hoping this fixes the problems with my sight. I have been very fortunate from the get- go. Was in a restaurant instead of home when my aneurysm ruptured. A policeman & an ambulance driver was in the restaurant. My fiancé & I both feel they were instrumental in getting me the care I needed. So far have developed cataracts from the surgery to get the blood from behind my eyes. Have had one surgery and will have this 2 nd one on Thursday. My bleed was in February 2012 . I have now developed vertigo but even it is not debilitating so I am blessed to be here.

Hi Myra...you know you have my prayers for your upcoming surgery tommorrow...God Bless...and know you will be home relaxing for the upcoming Holiday season~ Cyber~prayers and positive vibes out to you ~ Colleen

hi Myra! i'm so glad to read how positive you are- don't ever change!! We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers! hopefully the vertigo will get better- i had extreme dizzyness that the dr prescribed nothing for- i guess it was an inner ear problem that cleared up by itself or prayers were answered. i'll be praying your eye problems are non- existant & each day brings improvement in all areas!

The right eye was such a success I am looking forward to having the surgery. I’m a pretty good patient after they get the I.V. in. LOL! They have said the cataracts are not the " old people " kind. They developed after the drs cleared out the blood from my Annie rupturing. I’m 57 so maybe they were just being kind. Regardless I will be glad to see. I’ll keep ya’ ll posted.

Thank you Colleen. Never thought I would look forward to being " knocked out" but bring on the sleepy drugs!

Thanks Ron. Appreciate the thoughts & prayers.

Hahahaha...keep that humor Myra...but I know what you mean...(wink)...~