March 13 2024 I celebrated 10 Years Since My ruptured Brain Aneurysm coiling and vp shunt. it took 6 long years to get back to nearly normal life. Finally at 9 years to the day I went back to work doing what I love. I hope others have the same success.
Excellent! Thanks so much for sharing your success. I always held to the belief that if you’re doing something you love, then it’s not really work, it’s contributing to ourselves thus others.. I’m definitely doing a happy dance for you:clap:
Congrats! My ten-year anniversary for the rupture and coiling was in 2022. Feels great, yes! And enjoying your work (and being able to do it, which I, too, was not for a while makes it all the better.
Congrats to you as well… are you doing good now as well?
I agree, I am a Registered Nurse and Absolutely Love what I DO
Yes, thank you. I have a bit of a memory problem with names (perhaps that is just me getting older!), and I had seizures (which I had never had prior to the rupture) and have been on anti-seizure medication ever since.
I had a seizure the day of my rupture and they put me on anti seizure meds but then a few months later I was able to get off of them, and I forget names as well and many other things I have to write every thing down, and there are parts or times of my life I can’t recall its frustrating
Just awsome, Well done for ten years, I’m coming up on eight years after a rupture with clipping and vp shunt, but I am unable to go back to work. You show us the way mhagele
mhagele, I’m late to posting this, but congratulations!
I faced similar challenges back in 2019 (SAH, ruptured aneurysm treated w/ coiling and a VP shunt). It’s inspiring to hear of others coping with similar situations.
Thank you for your important work as a nurse, and live long and prosper!
Don’t feel bad. I have the same issues. We just do things differently.
Congratulations!!! I am proud of your successes and your patience fighting through this challenge. I hope that each day you look in the mirror and remind yourself how wonderful you are and how much you have accomplished! Cheers!
Your testimony gives me hope. All the best for the future
Thank you so much for doing your first post! If you have a chance, come tell us more about yourself under General and pose any questions you may have to the group there as well. Welcome aboard Ellen!