Who did you see for follow up and recovery advice?

I am seeing the neuro surgeon for follow up on the procedure and ensuring that it is healing properly. But how about all the day to day things involved in recovery like memory, exercise, headaches, insomnia and such? It seems to me that the surgeon is not the best resource for this type of thing. These are discussions that need to be addressed far more frequently than could possibly be scheduled with the surgeon and I am pretty certain after care would be someone else’s area of expertise.

The person you see for the day to day stuff may vary. Your surgeon should refer you. More often than not that person would be your PCP, or referring doc. There may be times where it would be a neurologist or a physiatrist.

I guess if I had discovered this prior to it rupturing I would have more resources such as a referring doctor and such. I will be asking for a referral at my next appointment, it just keeps being delayed by his office, moved another week today which will make it a full month from the originally scheduled follow up appointment.

my primary doc is the one who has helped me post hospital discharge. she keeps an eye on my bp, adjust meds, gave me insomnia meds etc. She also referred me to see a physio for strengthening and exercise. I also saw an OT for some of the other issues and we did memory exercises and she helped me with tips to overcome shortfalls, watched me cook a meal to see if you can do it safely etc. Im working with another ot now on some other issues, like goal setting and getting out to be more social and trying to take it to the next level of moving forward and perhaps getting back to driving at some time. OTs do a lot of different things in helping people overcome obstacles.

Neurosurgeon then PCP

The neurosurgeon does the surgery and immediate post op. Many people go to primary doctor, but they are generalists and get a neurologist to follow. I prefer neurologist that has experience with aneurysm patients. If not one that follows stroke patients is good. Many of the issues appear to be the same. Also when ready, a physical therapist for rehab/exercises. A good therapist helps keeps emotions/frustrations in check as this process you are going through is a lengthy journey. Good luck.