When does the energy come back?

Before my 33mm unruptured aneurysm May 2020 I was a very active 60 year old. 3 years later I’ve put on 35lbs and become a couch potato. 3 years later I get fatigued easily and lack motivation. It’s been hard to get motivated.

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After surviving my ruptured aneurysm I also wanted to know why I’m still here, I knew God needed me to do something. So I divorced my husband, got back to work, and joined a rock band! Check out my recovery at www.youtube.com search for

Connquest performing Magic Man @ gratiot pub 6/18/23


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This outpouring of care makes me so happy and also makes me want to cry. I feel like this group really knows how I feel. Some days I just feel so desolate and don’t know what I’m going to do with myself. I think my surgery triggered some autoimmune disease that I’m trying to figure out right now. I just feel like my body is in constant pain and I’m always tired. I’m ready to just quit my job and just take care of myself. I found an amazing physical therapist who is helping with my jaw and my head. Still so much pain in my head constantly
…I just want to feel better. I found out on Monday I have to have another surgery…minor and not related but it made me say “haven’t I been through enough?!” I’m just over all of it.

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It took me a long time to get my diagnoses for DM. I had some small bumps on my rib cage that hurt like the dickens and then everything seems to hurt that I couldn’t walk without a lot of pain, maybe ten or twenty steps and tears would roll down. Started with PCP who sent me for a visit to a Dermatologist, as the PA there who concurred it was just fatty tumors, I didn’t think so because the Lab that gets credit for saving my life had them as she aged and it didn’t feel the same at all. PCP sent me to get ultrasound which Radiologist said “suspicious of cancer”. PCP said get into the first GI you can, mine didn’t have an appointment for 3 -4 months so back to Baptist I went. After numerous upper GI tests, that GI told me to tell the PA at Dermatology something which led to a biopsy. It came back as either SLE or DM so now I get to add a Rheumatologist. All told it took a lot of blood work, more upper GI tests than I knew possible (extremely healthy upper GI for someone my age) and a couple of years to get the proper dosage of meds to stop the pain for the most part. I really wouldn’t wish an autoimmune disorder or connective tissue disease on anyone, much less those who’ve had to deal with an aneurysm. There are some studies that suggest there’s a connection but it’s like which came first, the chicken or the egg? Good luck!

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