
I wonder if anyone can offer any guidance. I had been doing really well but have now had migraines, headaches and general head pains for 3 weeks. I am just over a year post stenting of 26mm unruptured carotid artery aneurysm located in cavernous sinus. I have arranged to see GP next week but can't think of any reason why I should suddenly have this happening. I did finish my years course of Aspirin at beginning of October. Could it be related to this? I have been on holiday from work for the last week although I have only been at home but have been able to rest so its not exertion or anything like that. Anyone else had this? Is it just an episode or has something gone wrong?

Hi Jennifer! I would see a nuerologist if possible but see what gp says about asparin ceasing-i'm guessing it could be related since blood is thicker now. Let us know please?~~~ would be great if maybe a baby asparin clears it!! fingers crossed and will keep you in thoughts and prayers~~~

Hi Jennifer

As you've recently stopped aspirin and have a flow diverting stent (which would have some potential for clot formation) I suggest you or your GP contacts your neurosurgical department to discuss. Try asking for the neurovascular specialist nurse if you can't get your Consultant. It'll probably all be OK, but worth checking as the symptoms are new. I'm nearly 2 years and had my giant (30mm) fusiform cavernous carotid aneurysm coiled and the artery blocked off as it was considered too big/difficult for stenting. I've had headaches ever since and occasionally get worse migraine like ones, but the symptoms have been pretty consistent for the 2 years (though gradually reducing in severity). Judith

Noticeable change Jennifer...consult a neurologist/neurosurgeon...~ Gotcha in my Thoughts ~ Colleen

Hi Jennifer,

I feel just like you! I don't know why all of a sudden my visual disturbances and headaches have returned. Last night, I had odd pains on the right side of my head, up into my hairline. Today, the pain has eased but I still don't feel right. I can't go out incase my vision goes or I have a funny turn. I have my appointment on Tuesday with the neurologist and I'm going to request an EEG.

Eve x

Hi Ron

Saw GP today. He put me back on the Aspirin 75mg as he couldn't understand why they had only wanted me to take it for a year (usual story of everyone has different opinions) and its not going to do any harm to have slightly thinner blood. Also wanted me to see neuros for further tests as thought February was too long to wait. So he is sending letter today and I shall wait and see what happens next. Feel better I am getting it checked out. Generally been better last few days. Only a fuzzy cotton wool head and tiredness at the moment so I will be relaxing the next couple of days cos after that I have 8 shifts to work in a row!