Ringing in my ears

So similar to my story I started to have noise in ear , and due very often headaches as well was sent to MRI , where aneurysm was found . Mine is on the watch . Ringing noise is all the time , sometimes it’s more strong along with pressure in ears . EnT doctor didn’t find anything . I wish your procedure to go very well on Feb 8 !

I’ve suffered with tinnitus for 20+ years. It’s nerve racking. It has gotten worse since my rupture.(2011) I lost hearing in my left ear in 2016. The noise in the left is even worse now, confirming that tinnitus is from the brain, not the ear. There are noise cancelling aids. I can’t wear any kind of aids, hearing or other, because of the VP shunt on the left side of my head.

Neurologist sent me to my ENT as I was trying to figure out a way to stop my perception that sounds are too loud. My hearing hadn’t been tested for several years and had “dramatically improved”. The ENT focused on tinnitus, nothing they can do about it. Was seeing my PCP and she said she or her husband has it and suggested using a fan, not a ceiling fan, bot a box fan or a desk fan. It helps tremendously, I can now sleep for 6-8 hours without the tinnitus waking me up. I’ve also noticed that I’m not experiencing tinnitus as much during waking hours.

I developed tinnitus. When it’s at it’s worst, mine sounds like a high-pitched tuning fork is vibrating in my head. Other times I barely notice a thing. I’m just relieved to know it’s tinnitus, possibly a withdrawal effect from going off meds. Before I knew what it was, I thought my unruptured aneurysm was about to explode.

I am 6 years post-coiling of an 11.8mm unruptured aneurysm and a 3.8mm unruptured (along my optic nerve which is untreated due to location) and last year, I too developed a “room full of chirping crickets” in my ears which would drive me to distraction and more often than not, wake me at all hours. I visited my GP who referred me to ENT. (Incidentally, there is another patient in our surgery who has also had coils and also suffers since with tinnitus) I had an MRI to check for any ear bone abnormalities, which none ere detected. I was offered the Epley manoeuvre as a form of treatment to try and dissipate the “crickets”. As, since my coiling I have been unable to lie flat or with my head below my body without extreme dizziness and nausea, I refused this. Believe me, I would rather have the crickets anyday than the the extreme dizziness and nausea. I was given advice and leaflets on ways of CBT to distract the Tinnitus. After trying many of them I find that music gently playing in the background (radio works for me - even playing on low during the night in the bedroom).

I am now about 18 months into the Tinnitus journey and I am finding things a lot easier, there are still days when I want to set fire to that room full of crickets to shut them the heck up!

There are “white noise” generators that can be purchased for around $30.00 or less. I’ve used one for years to help block out neighborhood noises. Reading this subject tonight makes me wonder if the reason I don’t experience ringing when going to sleep is because of this device. There are fancy ones with options for the type of sounds you want to hear. Choices are often rain, waterfall, brook, waves crashing. Mine is just a continuous sound that is not disturbing at all. Thanks to all who have posted on this topic.

If you have google home or Alexa, you also can turn on nature sounds, sound of the rain …

I have same issue with same beat sound on my ear however doctors pointed it as stress and depression than any medical symptom

I had 3 mm annie treated with flowdiverter 7 month ago