
Dearest Shari~

You are not alone! So many of us survivors have gone or are going through the same things. I'm experiencing mood swings, as well, but I'm not too sure if it's because of my annie situation or because I had a baby. Could be both.

I would also like to suggest anxiety meds, maybe xanax. This will help you sleep better, for sure.

Good luck and God Bless!


Went to my Neuro appointment and left with steroids to try and see in that will help with the headaches. He said it seems to be that there is blood in my spinal column causing the headaches, wants to try this first. and.....not helping!! Grrrrr! also scheduled for another angiogram Aprill 11th because they found a change in the scan so maybe putting in another coil. Grrrr! does it ever end? do I ever get my life back? Do I ever stop feeling angry and sorry for myself? Will I ever be normal again?

Hopefully the steroids will help to alleviate your headaches....I don't know how to respond to the Grrrrr! part- just to say "I hear ya!" and I hope it will get better

It has been 6 months since my aneurysm rupture and just had an angiogram last week and another aneurysm was found near the first one. Going in for coiling for the new one and also a stent next week. I am nervous over this surgery. Is is common to have another so soon? I also have read sseveral not so encouraging things on the internet about the stent and having a higher chance for stroke, anyone have any info on this that would be reassuring? Also my Dr said that i could also loose partial or all of my vision in my left eye due to where this new aneurysm is. does it ever end? does it ever get better?