Fusiform aneurysms

Hi I got my MRI results on friday and I have a 4mmx5mm fusiform aneurysm on the Left MCA, I am due to see neurologist on Wednesday. I have read various articles and basically the generalisation is that these fusiforms can't be clipped, is this true? I am scared that im gonna left with this thing in my head. Can anyone advise me? has anyone had a fusiform aneurysm and what was the outcome?
Thanks in advance,
Kristina XX

Can't give you any advise but just wanted to let you know everyone is by your side here. It can be a very scary experience and having someone to talk to who has experienced similar things helps a lot. Praying for you that you will be guided in the right direction and make a full recovery.

Kristina...we have had members w/fusiform...expect you will get some results...

I have been recommending / promoting the two books listed at the BAF main website...the "understanding" down to bottom of the list of "references"... Even those books carry limited data on fusiform...However, they include recovery...and recovery ...is same/similar...

Did you view PubMed? At their search spot...select "fusiform" and a list of research/results are listed...

You will have many questions for the neurosurgeons and you may want more than one opinion..

Here, there is the "ask the doc"...for generalized questions...

As for the highly promoted coil/stents... "this thing is left in the head"... w/metal replacing the blood in the aneurysm...

Prayers for those who will respond and for you securing your needed information.


Hi Kristina ... be sure to have someone along with you for your appointment on Wednesday. Also, have a list of questions written down to ask the Doctor...~ Sending positive vibes your way ~ Colleen

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