Facing another surgery after 8 years

I had a giant cavernous ophthalmic aneurysm treated by common carotid ligation in 2006. Results of a recent MRI showed that the aneurysm has not changed in its external size but its internal signal characteristics have changed. The CE MRA confirms that there is increased flow into the aneurysm. My surgery was done in the US but my local neuro is saying that the aneurysm is no longer safe and could rupture, I have to do something now. My neuro in the US is telling me there is no need for worry but he wants me to come up for angiogram so he study it.

I am making arrangements to go to the US but I am very worried and anxious and so is my family. I was 57 years of age 8.5 years ago and now I am 65. If there are BAF members with similar cases please share with me.

Theresa, I’ll be praying for you and your family. God bless you.

Frankie, thank you for your prayers.

Than not. Be blessed

I will be praying for you. I know of the anxiety that you speak of. Remember that there are more of us traveling this road with you than not.


I have no familiarity of the type of surgery you had. I only know of craniotomies or coiling. Try to relax and if you put yourself in GODS hands or your higher power and you will find inner peace. That is what I did. It so calmed me down. I am not making light of your situation, but if you decide to pursue more treatment then accept it. In doing that it can help you so much emotionally. Bless you and I will say prayers. Angiograms (for myself) were no problems, nor painful. I had about 4 if I remember right. Better to check it out then not. Stress and worry only affects ones health more. Bless you again.


Thank you for the prayers and words of comfort.

Jackie said:

I will be praying for you. I know of the anxiety that you speak of. Remember that there are more of us traveling this road with you than not.


I am not too worried about about the angiogram because I had 2 of them, what I am concerned about is the options of treatment that will be offered to me and the risk factors. Thank you for your prayers and comforting words.

Jeanne said:


I have no familiarity of the type of surgery you had. I only know of craniotomies or coiling. Try to relax and if you put yourself in GODS hands or your higher power and you will find inner peace. That is what I did. It so calmed me down. I am not making light of your situation, but if you decide to pursue more treatment then accept it. In doing that it can help you so much emotionally. Bless you and I will say prayers. Angiograms (for myself) were no problems, nor painful. I had about 4 if I remember right. Better to check it out then not. Stress and worry only affects ones health more. Bless you again.