Exciting News! Our Community Now Has Over 1,000 Members!

It's so very exciting that our community, since it was started last winter, has now grown to over 1,000 caring, sharing individuals from all ove the world. Everyone here has been affected one way or another by brain aneurysms. Whether you choose to actively contribute to the commentary or just benefit from the commentary posted by others, we are glad you are here. Many thanks to Ben for establishing this support community and to all our moderators who help keep the spammers out and keep the community in equilibrium. Thanks to all for coming here and for sharing. I know it is so helpful for so many of you out there.

Many thanks to you, Ginny. I know how much time, energy and love you spend on this board! We’re at 1000 members because of you!
Thank you too, Ben and all the Moderators who volunteer their time and expertise to watch over all posting.

Great New, to have all these fine people sharing, and having someone to vent to. Thank you all and God Bless You All!
Bonita from Canada

Thanks for your kind words, Julie. It is amazing how this community has grown and we are all so pleased to be a part of it.