Dancing lights symptom seen in eyes since and once before aneurysm was diagnosed

Hi Carole, Thanks I think I will ask them to confirm it's size. Them changing my test date probably does just mean there's an opening on the schedule. I think your right that if it is 15mm they would have wanted to rush things on. I didn't think of that, that it could be 1.5 rather than 15 so must surely be a miss print on the report. When you had yours then did you have symptoms before you had surgery and after surgery has it completely cured it, or does it still give you problems? I've noticed a few people on here seem to be saying even after surgery they are still having some symptoms. I still feel a bit clue less about annies and how they are treated, they gave me hardly any information at the hospital. Anyway hope your well and everything going good. Thanks.

Hi Vanessa,

My surgery was ~43 years ago. I have been very blessed in that I have had very few post surgical problems. The most significant issue for me has been seizures and I've had 8 in total and none in the past 20 years.

I only recall one episode with the lights and that was earlier this year when the insurance company changed my anti-seizure med from a brand name to a generic and also changed the formulation. I haven't had a problem with the lights since then.

Our experiences are all so very different. They are as unique as we are as individuals.

Valerie Meyer just posted this in her response to Annie M. " While I waited someone suggested reading a book called "Brain aneurysms and vascular malformations, a guide for patients and families" by Dr. Eric Nussbaum. It helped me because it explained what my aneurysm was, what is known about them and it explained about interventions. It did this in a way that did not scare me."

Maybe you can find this book to be helpful also.

Take care.


Hi Carole, Thanks so much I definitly want to get that book. Those sieziures sound like they must have been very frightening for you, but it's good you've been okay and are not experiencing any further problems. Thanks so much for your help Carole. Take care.
