Advice please - coiling v clipping

Hi all,

Ive got my appointment next week for the results of my angio. I firmly believe that they are going to recommend coiling as the appointment i have been given is with a neuroradiology consultant.

My question is this. I found out about this annie in June. Since then I have hardly has a day where I haven't been scared in varying degrees.

With what I have read, I am not sure that the coiling will give me the peace of mind that it's 'done'. I think ill be worrying constantly about it not working, needing more coils etc.

I'm thinking about asking for it to be clipped regardless (if they will let me of course) and I'm wondering what you guys think?

Any replies would be great thank you!

Keep safe,

Kerry xxxx

Kerry, so sorry you are going through this. My neurosurgeon told me at the first appointment when he was looking at the MRA that most likely he would repair the annie with clipping. Then, after the angio, he told me that clipping was too dangerous and that it would have to be coiled and stented - he was certain that I could end up with severe brain damage afterward. Sometimes the decisions are not ours to make. I, too, sometimes wish that it could have been clipped and been dealt with forever, but I am sure others would feel differently.

Where is your annie located? A neurosurgeon did both the angio and the coiling and stent - is the neuroradiology consultant with your neurosurgeon's office?



We can all speculate but it's really up to your Doctor. Each choice has pros and cons. For sure the anxiety of waiting has you on pins and needles but wait and hear what the Doc proposes and then discuss the options. You are doing the right thing by gathering knowledge before your meeting. Good luck and God Bless!

Kerry, I had an annie clipped this past April. My neurosurgeon said it was the best solution based on the location of the annie and also other factors - like age. I’m 63 – he said with coiling you often need to go in and have it done a second time; since I’m not getting any younger it made sense to go the clipping route. I’ve never had a headache since clipping but I did lose some fields of vision in one eye. Always remember that you can get a second opinion… after all it is brain surgery! Prayers being sent your way.

Hi Sherri,

Yes the neuroradiology consultant is with my neurosurgeon's office. My annie is on the right internal carotid and it is compressing the stalk of my pituitary gland which is leading to many other unpleasant symptoms! To be honest, I don't even know how accessible it is? I'm 40 and at home alone with a 6 year old and im really worried that this will just keep going on and on unless I have it dealt with once and for all by clipping. xx

Hi Arleen,

I'm 40 at home alone with a 6 year old and, as I replied to Sherri, I'm just really worried that unless I get it sorted once and for all it will go on and on. Im not sure where I stand on getting a second opinion as it is being done on the NHS in the UK and they will definately just go for the cheapest option!

Kerry xx

Hi Kerry, I also live in the UK and had my aneurysm coiled earlier this year. My experience of the NHS in dealing with me was that they took a very measured view of my aneurysm, i..e size/location etc and recommended what they thought was the best option for me based on their assessment of it. They also took great pains to explain to me why they thought this was the best option. I didn't feel at all that I was being pushed towards the cheapest option. Carolyn

Kerry, I’m sure the doctors will be looking out for what’s best for situation. Good luck, stay in touch.

Hi Kerry...I was coiled...and if I had to be clipped...(9mm on my basilar tip artery)...well my chances were not I was blessed to be coiled...I guess time will tell how this goes...

I pray you and your Doctors can make the best decision for YOU...! Cyber~thoughts...your way...Colleen


You say your annie is in the ICA? Has your neurologist/surgeon spoken to you about the PED?? The PED was specifically approved by the FDA for ICA annies, I know because I have two PEDs in my right ICA at the ophthalmic artery. Clipping was not an option for me, because that annie was too close to the optic nerve and the chance of blinding me was too great. Coiling was attempted and failed because of the wide mouth of my annie. The PED was my only other option and I thank God every day that the FDA just approved it!!

Please check with your doctor to see if that is an option. If you'd like more info on the PED please check our group called the Pipeline Embolization Device. Giovianni has posted numerous links and information on the PED and its effectiveness at making annies go poof!!! The clinical trials showed that over 90% of the annies treated by the PED were completely occluded by the PED because it diverts blood flow away from the annie and then the annie dies off. It is not as invasive as clipping and I consider it my lifesaver. I go next month for my 6 month angio and I'm hoping my annie is completely occluded by then-- fingers crossed!!

Best wishes to you and please keep us updated!


Hi Kerry

My 8 mm was coiled in April, clipping was not an option due to the location, I have now had an angio and all is good with the coiling and many others have had the same great results.

I have a 4.5mm being monitored for growth, this one would probably need to be clipped as it has a very wide neck. The location, size and shape is what determines the type of procedure. My procedures were performed in the states but I am british and have recently learnt of many other brits who had both procedures on the NHS in the Uk and I have never heard of cost overiding health options. I'm sure we would have all liked to have never had to re adress the same annie, and its true clipping seems more permanent, but I am here today as the coiling procedure was my only option and Thankgoodness the right one for me.

Please talk to your doctor at your apt regarding your concerns as if it does appear that either option is suitable for you due to location, size and shape then you should surely by advised why one procedure outweighs the other and I'm sure cost shall not come into.

Best Wishes


Kerry, my name is Amy and I didn't get a choice, my husband made for me because I had passed out at work and was rushed to the hospital at AGH in Pittsburgh PA. He told me that the neuro surgeron gave him two choices, clipped or coiled. I was clipped, I have short term memory loss and sometime can't find the right word. But it was a good choice for me. It has been 5 months since my annie and sometimes I have my good days and bad days. Still going for speech therapy and will start doing vocational rehab soon. I will be praying for you and your family.

Live, Laugh, and Love, Amy