24 August 2024- Welcome 7 New Members!

Hi everyone! I am so excited to welcome our many new members as we near the end of August.

@laurenc is in California, United States. Lauren was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2014, receiving routine MRIs as part of treatment. During a recent MRI, a prominent vein was noted with a possible aneurysmal outpouching. An angiogram confirmed Lauren to have a bilobed ACOM aneurysm.

@Juarbe is in the Southern United States. Nidia had a brain aneurysm coiled and stent back in November of 2023. Now, Nidia is still experiencing different headaches almost every day.

@abat is in Washington, United States. Amaris is an army veteran with a nine month old baby. Amaris has an untreated brain aneurysm, discovered by an MRA after seeking treatment for Tinnitus by an ENT. No one has looked at the scan except the ENT, who admitted to having little understanding about brain aneurysms. Amaris awaits a visit with a neurologist but experiences frustration and concern as no one else has looked at the scan and there has been no opportunity to ask simple questions. I am hopeful that BAF Support can be of great assistance to Amaris in navigating early diagnosis and care, and answering any questions as they arise.

@noroof is on the West Coast of the United States. Dusty’s father had an aneurysm and his brother is currently incapacitated as a result of multiple ruptured aneurysms. Dusty is currently seeking a support system and I am positive that this wonderful community can help him with finding support.

@KayeH is in Oklahoma, United States. Kaye is a caregiver to her husband of 32 years, David. David experienced a rupture back in September of 2020 shortly after coming home from work. Kaye and David’s lives have forever changed.

@kandy is in Utah, United States. Kandy is a patient with an aneurysm that was clipped. She now experiences fear over symptoms like migraine due to her aneurysm. Many other patients experience the same fears and concerns, I hope Kandy is able to find comfort in BAF Support as she manages these fears.

@pv1 is in Michigan, United States. Paul experienced a subarachnoid hemorrhage and was treated with a coil/stent.

I hope everyone is doing well and finding support within the community. I encourage you all to continue sharing your stories and updates as well as seeking advice and asking questions as you feel comfortable. If you have any questions about posting on the forum, please contact @ModSupport and we will be glad to help.