Just a bump on the head

Hey, y’all… I’ll be 16 weeks post surgery on Monday! But today, I was trying to get some tea from the cabinet at work, didn’t know the shelf was loose, and the canister fell, hitting me in the head (above my ear, right side) on my surgery side. I froze because I got scared. Then I called my neurosurgeon & spoke with his nurse, she told me I’m probably okay, but to monitor it & if I notice feeling out of the ordinary (ha, as if I feel normal now…) Like dizzy, vomiting, faint, overly tired… Call them back & by that time I’d probably go to the hospital.

Question is, have any of you had an injury to your head after surg
ery? What happened/what did you do?

Eeek! I’m nervous! I’m really probably okay, but I just freak out, now. It happened about 6 hours ago. I do have some lightheaded feeling, but that’s been on/off since April 10 which they know about, and I have a headache… But weather changes give me a headache (rain) and I get menstrual headaches… So it’s hard to tell, really.

Thank you for your time!


If you were clipped it might be of some concern but coiling is surgically done from within. My wife was clipped and she seems to have a tendency to misjudge whatever is above her so she taken quite a few bumps over the years. When the bumps were directly to the bone flap she usually ended up with a severe migraine but all else just a painful bump. I can safely tell you she rarely made misjudgements prior to her rupture. But post surgery, now that's a different story. I'm gonna have to make her a bubble wrap tiara.

Aw, Jo! Glad that you’re okay from that. I hit my forehead against my wall maybe a week after coming home, but I think I’m okay. Today it was one of those Lipton cans of tea that fell, maybe 3 feet & bumped me in the head. I think I’ll be fine. Just curious as to who else has had something like this. Oh gosh, fear & anxiety are unreal. I went into therapy for mine… I need better coping skills to get through this traumatic event. Geeze.

Aw, a bubble wrap tiara! Can I have one? :slight_smile: I was clipped! It was just a quick hit to my head on the side of surgery which is what made me nervous. Right above my ear. I don’t think I misjudged, I was trying to get it down & the shelf tipped forward so everything fell off. I’m just kind of watching it. I feel okay, nothing I would say is out of the ordinary to my situation. It scared me, more than anything just because my head is more fragile to me now. I hope your wife is doing well! You too, since I’m sure you take care of her a lot. Thank you.

Thanks, Robin. She does well by herself unless she has a migraine attack. Fortunately we now know that they are caused by the metal sutures holding the bone flap together - it happens to be a post surgical complication that Doctors never recognized could occur. Keep an eye on your headaches because clips can also trigger migraines.

Ahhh! Thank you for sharing that. I rarely get headaches now, thankfully. Weather changes seem to trigger one, I’ve always had menstrual migraines, and being stressed/tense. I don’t know much about my aneurysm, materials used, or part of my brain operated on because mine was a complete surprise/emergency. But I’ll have to get a hold of my medical records, and talk with my surgeon at my next follow up June 5. So many questions, and I’m missing memories for 6 days, I’d say. But I’m curious, so I search. Thank you, again.

Hi Robin,

I’m sorry to hear about your accident. I can imagine what a scare It was to have something fall on your head at this time.
I’m very careful about my head to this dat because my bone flap never ceded completely, that is I have a permanent bump and hitting it is quite painful. But, I can probably count on one hand the number of bumps I’ve had over the years for this reason.

Take care of yourself.


Hi Robin, I have hit my head a few times getting into Taxi's don't seem to be able to judge heights and distance hit my head so hard made me see stars but I am okay and like Jo the anxiety can be worse than the event, I am glad you seem okay and most of us still get headaches but my surgeon told me if it cannot be sorted with an over the counter medicine then is the time to worry, I hope you have an amazing day, Jill xxx

Yes! It was more alarming than traumatic because I’m very sensitive to my head now. The right side is still tender & I can lay on it, but I try not to because there’s pressure there. I think I’m okay, I feel as normal as I can feel these days, except the lightheaded feelings. Those have been coming and going since April
10 and my surgeon/his staff know about it. It’s odd. Feels like my balance is off, like I’m swaying on the inside but I can walk just fine, room isn’t spinning, I don’t feel like I’ll pass out. I’m going to tell him this when I see him on Kind 5, and see what he suggests. I do try to eat often & stay hydrated, so I won’t make it worse. When I’ve had my sinuses checked, they’ve been clear… Got my eyes checked May 12 & I’m far sighted, so maybe glasses will help, some. Or maybe this is part of healing? I don’t know. A friend who had surgery for a rupture from AVM told me she got dizzy a lot after surgery, but it eased up. It’s just odd. But thank you, Carole. Have a good day :slight_smile:

Ow! I didn’t see stars! If I did, I would’ve probably panicked. Haha. Yes, Jo is right, the anxiety is definitely overwhelming at times. Glad that I’m seeing a therapist to help me gain better skills in managing this. My headaches can be controlled with regular Tylenol. I usually take 2 extra strength and I’ll be good to go. I’ve taken Advil a few times, but I’m always skeptical about NSAID’s now although my surgeon OK’d their use at my one month follow up. It’s a mental thing for me. I bet even taking birth control would help regulate my pms symptoms and cycle, but I do not want to take it at all given my rupture/bleed/surgery. No way, I’d rather just feel generally crappy for 2 weeks/month than risk any more blood issues. It’s good to know others have sustained bumping their heads in some way, even though I wish none of us had to, or at least didn’t have to worry if we did. Thank you, I plan on having a good day, again. I’m on a good day streak! But from now on, I’ll ask for help when reaching for hard objects up high! Have a great day :slight_smile:

i used to bang it into the shower wall when turning and ill be dizzy for weeks.

It’s so odd, isn’t it? Guess we’ve just got to be more aware and careful about things!

I had my cat jump on my head just a day or two after coming out of hospital dunno what he was playing at I was lying on the settee and it hurt my husband phoned NHS direct and they said to go to hospital I told my husband I weren’t going and I did mention it to my surgeon at my next appointment and he said it was fine that the clips would still be there long after I had gone lol. Try not to worry to much. Jess.xxx

Hi Robin,

You miay want to get a couple of small step stools and place them where you can get them quiclkly so that you can more easily reach items that you want when no one else is around.

I have a plastic single step that I use in my clothes closet to reach the shelf. The one that I use in the rest of the house, especially in the kitchen, is metal and has three steps plus an arm to grab hold of to steady yourself. It folds almost flat so it’s pretty easy to store.

They are great helps.

Haha aw, that would’ve freaked me out! I feel okay, though. In fact, I’d even branch out to say I’ve been feeling great overall the past week or so. Yesterday was the most normal day I’ve had since coming home :slight_smile: I’m just ultra sensitive now about anything involving my head! Thank you, take care :slight_smile: